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Everything posted by kat5hurricane

  1. Light snow that's really sticking whatever little is falling, had to dust off the car. Nice scene
  2. Agreed, his instinct is far more right than wrong even when it goes against consensus so that gives me real pause in dismissing the rain solution. There's still enough time for the models to overamp this too so I think the rain option should still be on the table.
  3. lol no but when Snowman is on board for a snow event you know something is going down. Actually, Forky is the one you pay attention to when he's honking for a snowstorm. Once he sends out the Batsnow Signal then you know we're good.
  4. Honestly, even slightly below normal for a lengthy amount of time feels impressively cold compared to what our bodies have been used to feeling this decade of winters. At least to me it does, so next week is going to feel brutal but at least it'll feel less brutal if we have some snowcover to enjoy.
  5. Agreed that cold and dry is the worst but we need the cold air around to have shots at snow even if they're only nickel and dime events. '13-'14 was kind of like this before the bigger events happened later that winter. This has been the coldest winter that I remember in a long time (barely below normal but colder than recent winters) and it's going to be cold for a while longer so I'll take my chances with that to greater the chances of snow.
  6. There's been around 6" here thus far with plenty of cold, also had a White Christmas. I guess it's all relative considering how bad 3 of the last 4 winters have been but I would hardly consider this a "disaster" winter, at least here in NE Queens. Certainly not what I'd call a good winter but not a disaster.
  7. Yep, winter has been fine thus far. I don't get all the complaining. It could have been better considering the colder pattern but beggars can't be choosers and we are beggars after 3 out of 4 dud winters.
  8. Slightly below normal in winter is indeed....cold fyi
  9. The thing is, our little community is the vast minority of society in loving not only snow but also cold. My girlfriend is the same way, can't stand the cold while I'm walking around like it's no big deal and I had to explain what a "snow weenie" is to her which, understandably, she was perplexed by haha. Long story short, we're a bunch of weirdos here at americanwx but at least we have each other in this little community because nobody else understands this obsession of ours.
  10. Oh it's cold lol and feels especially cold because we haven't been used to this in recent winters. It's the wind that's making it cold and the dry air that's creating dry skin, crappy weather. No wind and it wouldn't be bad. I also went to a funeral yesterday out in Farmingdale where it felt like 50mph winds with 25 degree temperatures at the gravesite so I was out in it for a while. Cold as a brick.
  11. Coming down nicely in midtown, some bigger flakes mixing in. Nice scenes
  12. I think there's a cap to how far north this can get considering the strength of the confluence. It's more than likely a 2-3 max sort of deal around NYC and 1-2 seems more likely, this is probably a Mid Atlantic special. Either way, whatever falls will stick around for a while so it'll feel like winter at least.
  13. It's weird seeing so much of that blue stuff on a weather map, perfect timing too in deep winter as opposed to spring like in years past. Timing it up with snow is a whole other issue but having extended cold air in place is half the battle
  14. What is this white stuff I woke up to? At least 2 inches just eyeballing it here in Whitestone possibly 3, beautiful surprise. Snow on Christmas week, kinda, haven't had that in a while.
  15. Forget December, I can't see any month being like that again for a long time. Plus, old "normals" shouldn't even apply anymore, like 1991-2020. We're in a new climate now unfortunately. However, it's hard to compare any era to 2000-2020 or moreso 2000-2018. That was a remarkable era of snow and some cold winters mixed in.
  16. Lunacy but this is an era when we've had 80 in February so we might be entering "new normal" territory with occasional 80+ in November.
  17. Walking outside at 11pm on Halloween in shorts and short sleeves is not something I had on my Bingo Card. It feels nice but is also very unsettling in the same token.
  18. So much for the gloomy cloudy day. Gorgeous cloudless day here in Midtown.
  19. Yep, rode it right into the coast. Similarly scary situation unfolding now although in a mord sparsely populated area than Charleston with the core upon approach, hopefully.
  20. Hugo was what came to mind for me too. Let's hope that Atlanta doesn't get hit as hard as Charlotte did. I had family there and it took a long time to recover, there were some 90+ mph gusts.
  21. And it's a much larger storm than Michael which will have far reaching effects. Michael had large impacts over a much smaller region so Tallahassee was largely spared.
  22. Yep, or that. Mind boggling that they haven't thought of a contingency.
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