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Everything posted by kat5hurricane

  1. Pouring rain in Whitestone. This would have been a decent sized snowstorm had it not flipped over to rain.
  2. Just changed to rain with a few flakes mixed in and it's raining hard. What an odd storm
  3. Moderate snow, big flakes. Sticking everywhere now. This should be the case for you North Shore folks pretty soon.
  4. When out for a drive thinking it'll be a rain and snow mix mainly then the snow started dumping when I hit the highway. Not sticking on the roads, thankfully.
  5. Seems like you Long Island folks are really winning out. Nothing heavy in Whitestone, pretty steady moderate snow since the onset with an occasional heavy burst and some sleet taking over when the rates lightened.
  6. Mostly sleet here but that seems at least partly due to lighter rates.
  7. I bet that's sleet. Snow just started getting heavy here, after hours of light to moderate.
  8. Light to moderate snow in Whitestone. The snow stuck everywhere instantly. I went shopping, came out about an hour later and about an inch accumulated on the car.
  9. This place is dead. I know it's not a big storm but it just shows how spoiled we've been this year (month really). A potential 4-6 inch storm would have had this place buzzing the last few winters.
  10. I will always root for snow, but once I feel that warmth on my face even in February (and yesterday felt really warm) I start to long for spring.
  11. For sure. Yesterday was 50 for the first time in forever and it felt fantastic, I actually went outside in a hoodie and no jacket for the first time since early December-ish. As much of a fan of snow I am, I start to look forward to spring as we near March. Especially with everything going on in the world, this has felt like a longer, harder winter than most.
  12. And always seems to change over quicker as well.
  13. Just took the dog for a long walk. This is a beautiful snow to take a stroll in, even he enjoyed it and he doesn't usually like the snow. About 5" in Whitestone.
  14. It's a literal snow globe out there, this is the best kind of snow with the calm winds and the snow coming down steadily. Heaviest of the day here.
  15. There's already a couple of inches down in and around the city.
  16. Went from nothing to pretty heavy snow right away, huge flakes. It's sticking everywhere but the main roads.
  17. The models pretty much nailed the last event only a day out. They've been fine. This was never going to be a big event because the storm is moving so fast, it's a moderate sized 3-6 inch deal less west more east. The models never spit out a major event with this one, at least not the consensus.
  18. It's the same story pretty much every storm close to the event, Nam too wet and GFS too dry. As usual, take a blend of the models and you have a 3-6 inch type deal.
  19. Yes it was. That was probably my favorite all time winter, cold 4-8 inch type storms every week seemingly which kept refreshing the snowpack. The snowpack lasted all February pretty much, a rarity in our area.
  20. Still snowing lightly in Whitestone, ended up with around 14" and a mountain of snow to dig out around my car. I thought the models did very well nailing down the snow distribution. Most were targeting North Central Jersey and Eastern PA with the highest totals for days outside of the Nam which had a NYC/L.I. jackpot for a time on Saturday I believe.
  21. Snow is much lighter in Whitestone. I'm about to head out with the dog so I'll see how much has fallen, I'd guess about 11-12" based on area reports. It looks like we won't hit those 20+ inch totals in and around the city, or even 15+ unless these bands pivot through which seems unlikely if the storm stalls and eventually occludes.
  22. Heaviest of the day, whiteout conditions. I'm going to enjoy it while I can before the dry slot hits.
  23. The snow has lightened considerably the last 30 minutes or so in Whitestone. Eagerly awaiting the next band
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