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Everything posted by kat5hurricane

  1. Funny, or not so funny, that the majority of this "cold" stretch coming up will be what used to be known as "normal" for this time of year. It'll probably feel cold Tuesday-Thursday because we've had March weather most of January but in reality, it's just normal January weather (old normal I should say).
  2. As a Detroit Lions fan, this is the story of my life. Even the Lions performed better than Winter '22-'23 this season, not a good look Winter '22-'23.
  3. Just got caught out in a thunderstorm. (Checks Calendar) What?
  4. I actually liked '14-'15 more. Consistent snowfall Jan-March with prolonged cold and snowcover. Probably the closest thing to a wall to wall winter that I've witnessed in my lifetime here.
  5. A 10+ inch winter is not a futility record and it was more poking fun at that poster who has been downplaying storms and cancelling winter for two decades. I remember as far back as PDII in '03, as a lurker, when he was crying out bust at the onset of that storm when it was lightly snowing for many hours before the heavier stuff arrived. That worked out well for him.
  6. You've been cancelling winter for 20 years so, yeah, your futility record is the best bet.
  7. Cold heavy rain is nightmare fuel for weenies. If it's going to rain, might as well be warm.
  8. It just takes one to make it a normal snowfall winter, '05-'06 and '15-'16 are prime examples of this although I believe that '05 had a decent December, '12-'13 had nothing December and January and ended up with almost 20". With that rocket fuel water near our shoreline, there's always a shot at a major snowstorm with well timed cold. You could be in a crappy winter pattern and still have a near normal snowfall so needless to say that "The Winter is over" before the New Year need to stop and should be reserved for the banter thread tbh.
  9. It was an amazing back to back winter stretch. '14-'15 was a lot more moderate snowstorms but we had sustained snowpack for over a month with pack refreshers every couple of days seemingly. A thing of beauty for snowpack hounds such as myself.
  10. Don't you tease me. Best winter of my lifetime, the closest thing to a wall to wall winter that we'll get. The prospect of a -epo makes me all tingly.
  11. Personally, I don't care too much about cold if it comes without snow. We've had somewhat of a Golden Era of snow in the 2000s-2010s with tons of record snowstorms in that timeframe so I'd take that go along with warmer temps anytime over the less snowy but colder winters of yesteryear. My youth, in the 80s to early 90s, was filled with cold but dry winters and it sucked for the kid in me. The '93 Superstorm was a marvel for a kid like me that didn't get too experience many big snowstorms. Point being, we've been really spoiled the 20 year prior to this decade despite the warmer winters. What we've seen the last few winters is a correction to the norm, we were overdue for a clunker era. Sorry to the mods for sending this off topic.
  12. This isn't some new phenomenon. Most real winter weather in NYC is short lived especially in the last 30 years, we live in a moderate climate. Winters like '13-'14 and '14-'15 are extreme outliers. The positive of the warmer climate/warmer waters is fuel for bigger storms so when there's been windows for potential snow, we've cashed in with bigger snowstorms. Lots of above normal snow and temperature winters in the last 20 years up until this Nina crap of the last few. This is our new climate, the new norm.
  13. A lot of that was white rain. Good snowfall numbers but visually it was mostly wet even in the colder spots in Queens where I live. The potential for something much greater in the immediate metro was so close but just a month too late. Areas outside the city got historic totals.
  14. Yep. You get March 2018 type blocking in mid to late December and you have massive potential. March 2018 a month earlier and everybody would have been buried instead of the white rain garbage a lot of urban areas got.
  15. That's true, feels like we sped towards Thanksgiving. We just have to hope that in an era of "stuck" patterns that this potentially favorable pattern becomes more than transient and lasts deep into December because with us being in Nina still, December might be our best shot at something significant.
  16. We need this a month from now. Seems like a wasted pattern for November. Kind of like blocking setting up in April. Ugh
  17. The moment the calendar turned to fall, so did the weather. We've gotten so accustomed to September and October being an extension of summer that this cooler weather feels....odd, almost the way it should be in early fall. I didn't start wearing a pullover or jacket until late October last year, it was late September this year.
  18. Crazy amount of lightning right over Punta Gorda
  19. The shots from Ft. Myers are mindblowing. How high is that surge cam? It's about to be engulfed.
  20. The difference being that Cuba did a number on Irma which it never really recovered from whereas Ian seems to be chugging along just fine after Cuba with plenty of growth potential ahead.
  21. Peak strength is often underestimated nowadays.
  22. Pouring in Whitestone. Did not see this coming today, almost got caught out in it a little while ago.
  23. Much needed downpour in Whitestone, albeit short lived.
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