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About kat5hurricane

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  • Location:
    Whitestone, Queens

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  1. It's been a pretty decent winter all things considered. Not a blockbuster by any means to say the least and some wasted potential but it's like a funeral in here as if this is '11-'12.
  2. This logical post will get lost among a sea of winter cancel posts sadly. Still too early to dismiss this
  3. This just isn't true at all. Every model but the GFS was showing a massive hit just last night. In fact, the CMC was a huge interior hit as well. Bad trends today but lets not act like there wasn't a near consensus of a major storm just 24 hours ago. I'm still not counting this thing out, we'll have to wait for this current storm to get out of the way then we'll get a better sampling of the next storm. I'm not going to discount it when most of the major models had a huge storm for a few days prior to this one.
  4. Yep lol, exactly this. It's the same way I am, the thrill and anxiety of model watching leading up to a big event is almost more memorable than the event itself. Boxing Day 2010 in particular was one of the biggest thrill rides that I remember, the exhilaration particularly at 0z on Christmas Eve when the models brought it back was on another level.
  5. Some people jumping ship way too early, it's kind of silly actually. Again, most models were showing a huge storm just last night so it's way too early to give up after one model suite (I hardly count the 18z models which tend to have wonky solutions). IF the trend continues tonight then more concern should be had but even then it'll still be too early to make any sweeping statements about what will happen.
  6. It's way too early to say this, it was one cycle of models showing a flatter solution. Just last night most models were showing a bomb. Can't live or die with every model suite.
  7. There is no trend. The models are bouncing around, some getting more amped, some getting more progressive.
  8. Did @MJO812hack these models tonight? Jeez Still way too far out to get excited but when all the major models show a similar solution, that sure peaks interest.
  9. This winter has had a nice wintry feel. '20-'21 had the big February and there were some good winters, bigger storms, in the late 2010s but this has been the most consistent winter with cold and snowcover, albeit not deep snowcover, in about a decade since my favorite winter '13-'14.
  10. Yeah, it just picked up some in the last 10 minutes. Sticking everywhere but the roads.
  11. Just a few flakes here, might be too far north to get the good stuff.
  12. Weird looking at some of the posts in this thread. This winter has been good here as I drive around today back and forth from Queens to Long Island looking at piles of snow all along the way yet others not too far away in a similar climate in Central Jersey are talking about how much the winter sucks and how torturous it's been. Weird, very localized good winter I guess.
  13. The city just had 3-5" after an inch or two this past Sunday so what are you boasting about?
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