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No snow for you

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Everything posted by No snow for you

  1. I’m amazed that Brick still follows the weather after January of last year.
  2. Let’s make this the model thread discussion and the other one can be for complaining. The weenies will never figure it out.
  3. Lol GSP NWS. GSP AFD long term .LONG TERM /MONDAY NIGHT THROUGH THURSDAY/... As of 230 PM EST Thursday...If you were hoping for some snow next week, prepare to have your dreams crushed.
  4. I love it when the Euro gives snow weenies hope just to know the GFS will crush it a few hours later.
  5. Oh come on. you can do better than that. 32.2 and rain.
  6. Seems like when the conditions are perfect we can't score. When the conditions suck, we can't score. When will score again?
  7. Business is about to pick up here. Mods may want to pin this thread and unpin the storm thread
  8. Maybe coma head coming through the upstate. If thunder snow happens I will pull a Jim Cantore
  9. https://www.ventusky.com/?p=35.23;-81.19;8&l=temperature-950hpa Assuming this is correct you can see the warm nose up against the mountains. 36 right next to the state line.
  10. I was driving to lunch and it was. I am off Laurens rd now at palmetto fine foods and seeing snow and rain mix
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