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No snow for you

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Everything posted by No snow for you

  1. Damn KK going dusting to 1 for the event. Prepare for greatness.
  2. It will be. Wednesday am the snow weenies betting on a cutter. It will not end well
  3. The beginning of the end of this threat has begun. This will not end well for most.
  4. Have we learned nothing. There is always mixing issues, there is always a warm nose, and always take the model that show the least moisture.
  5. Yep. This is the year we get no snow and have to like it while everyone else cashed in
  6. Lol. All it takes is one flake if I recall correctly. Also poor Mack. Will smell the snow but will be able to keep posting. Bet he’s gets another day off of work though. Odds i I can get home from highlands Wednesday?
  7. Oh snap. We are going with 15:1or higher ratios. What could go wrong
  8. Taking reservations now in this thread. I have a feeling it will fill up fast late Tuesday early Wednesday.
  9. When will this craptastic winter end. I’m ready for spring now
  10. I just got my wife a new explorer. I am dropping a new engine in my 2001 Tahoe though bc I hate buying cars.
  11. I took the month of December off as well but have been hitting it hard since new year. Lost all the weight in 12 days what I put on for December.
  12. I’m cooking some ribeyes for dinner tonight. Did you ever try the 4HB?
  13. So y'all go ahead and plan I am going to Anguilla the week of the 11th of February so that is when the true Carolina Crusher will come through.
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