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Everything posted by Jed33

  1. Looks to be that way here as well. Just under an inch right now and flake size just struggling. Seems like this storm was probably just further south than the modeling indicated. That, and the dry air around here. Congratulations to the southern valley though! They deserved a good snow!
  2. Been snowing steadily for a couple hours. Everything is white including side roads and driveways. I’d say we have between 1/2-3/4in on most surfaces now.
  3. Beginning to see a few flurries floating by here in Morristown
  4. It’s literally been above freezing here only a brief period Monday morning through about 2PM. Otherwise, we’ve been below freezing since last Friday night to Sunday, which featured the ice, along with Monday afternoon till current. Everything is frozen extremely solid. All the ponds around here are frozen with a layer of snow on them from yesterday. I also noticed this morning when I was getting some water from my faucet that the excess water froze immediately on the concrete driveway and this was right by the house. Normally it might take a few minutes but it froze immediately. I thought yeah, this is how fast the roads will ice up tomorrow. As the old saying goes, it will stick better than melted butter on a biscuit!
  5. It was 13 here for a low but back up to 15 now. Colder than forecast by a few degrees and 13 is my coldest so far this winter.
  6. HRRR-“Hardly Recognizes Rain on Radar” is what I call it. I guess snow in this case. It can be good but there’s a reason most of its runs only go out 18hrs. It’s terrible beyond that and sometimes not good on current initialization.
  7. Yes I thought the same thing. It’s pretty much been that way here too and these are big flakes. Usually when moisture is limited, the flake size is not good, but we’ve had more nickel and even quarter sized flakes at times than I would have thought. The problem is it just doesn’t last long enough. Todays high has been 27 here after 17 this morning.
  8. Looks like it’s out. 3:50
  9. No, it was mentioned earlier that they have had snow showers with heavy enough accumulation that they needed an advisory for today. So they issued one for immediate effect. Then they canceled it when the new watch came out around 1:30. Not sure why they canceled it or if it just got bumped with the new watch issuance
  10. I was going to say I’ve seen NWS offices wait till 5 or later, with complicated forecasts, but that was usually back years ago. Normally I don’t think they’re that late anymore. 4:21 is a great guess John. I’ll roll with that time as well.
  11. There is a really nice looking band (at least on radar) in East Knox right along I40. Looks like it could really be putting down a decent accumulation.
  12. We’ve had flurries and snow showers all morning here in Morristown, but not really any accumulation to speak of. I had to go to Newport earlier, and it was good timing, bc I noticed early this morning that the band that sometimes sets up at the I40-I81 split had set up. It was a bit more east on 40 than I expected, but at the Cocke Jefferson Co line, they had at least 1/2-1in in spots and it was coming down! Big flakes, even trying to accumulate on the interstate in spots and the side roads were white. Unfortunately it didn’t continue on into the city of Newport, but even there they had a heavy dusting.
  13. That would be me. It just looks like the same footprint, and it was a southern slider. However, it is true as was mentioned earlier Huntsville got 12in from that which is not far off from this run. Thing to remember is the similarities are there, but there will never be two or more “exact” storms. To me the Jan 88 analog was a good match.
  14. 12z NAM looking pretty good. It doesn’t go out far enough yet to cover the entire event but it was looking really good!
  15. Yeah I went back and looked at it. I probably should have worded it better. The track looks very similar. It was also a southern slider. The amounts were similar in some areas, especially the far western forum, but you’re right northern AL and some other areas definitely had more. The footprint just looked so similar.
  16. That track and snowfall amounts looks almost identical to January 1988.
  17. Just got in from Winter Park-the trees are shining and there’s icicles hanging off the cars outside. Road appears to be fine looks like my low was 22 and high so far has been 30 where it’s currently sitting
  18. My wife sent me some pictures looks like we have a good deal of zr although she said there had been sleet and even snow earlier.
  19. It looks like a heavier band just pushed over Morristown. I don’t know though. I’m trying to get confirmation from my wife-I’m actually in Colorado at the moment. Been having a blast at Winter Park. I’ll see if I can get a report soon.
  20. The polar vortex actually coming into TN like in 1985 if the thicknesses are that low! Looks like it on the GFS! Wow that was an incredible system with arctic powder over our area and a Deep South FL/GA coastal
  21. Went to bed last night about 11:30. I had no sooner laid down than a big flash of lightning and resounding thunder woke me right up. Had 3 heavy cells pass through within the next hour, the 3rd of which was the heaviest of the entire weekend and had several more lightning strikes and thunder. I also thought I heard hail, but didn’t get up to check it out. This morning, we had another heavy shower. Actually picked up an additional 0.75in of rain overnight and this morning in all of that! Was not expecting that! Hopefully that correlates well to the 10 day rule!
  22. And it may be bc I was living in Memphis in 95-96. It was cold there but we were fringed by all of the bigger snows the entire winter. Still managed to pick up a couple inches a couple times in Dec and Jan.
  23. I don’t recall the 12-28-1995 that well. The others I know. I know it was really January 96 when it all broke loose. I do remember some clippers and other light snows in Dec 95 though. Maybe someone else can elaborate on it though. The others are as solid as you’ll ever get!
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