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Everything posted by Kristospherein

  1. Probably been covered but got maybe 0.25 inch of snow and 0.15 ice in South Charlotte.
  2. Significant power outages in Clearwater/St. Pete area. Around 200k so far.
  3. Same with NC/SC and IN/OH. Utilities help each other out, especially after they've solidified their own system. They will start with the backbone, if affected, and move towards the remotest lines.
  4. The surgecam 5 on the SevereStudios YT page is on and amazing. It's on the second story of a resort on the beach on Sanibel. Should be able to see the eye on it soon. I wonder if we will be able to see the stadium effect?
  5. The Periwinkle ones are all loading. Periwinkle and Tarpon was showing a stop sign blowing pretty well.
  6. My wife says to expect anywhere from a trace to 8 feet...i said what if we get nothing?
  7. Wow, you're right by me. I'm within five minutes of Providence and Rea.
  8. Yeah wasn't expecting snow here on the front end. Might happen if Temps keep plummeting. Now 36 in S Charlotte with a light mist.
  9. 12 inches on the nose here in Brevard. Had sleet and about 20 minutes of freezing rain but was otherwise all snow. Hoping we get 1-2 more from the wraparound snow but absolutely amazed at what we got so far. Was a really great storm.
  10. Just over 10 inches here just south of Brevard. Light sleet starting to mix with flurries.
  11. 8.5 inches 2 miles SE of Brevard at 2,400. Wind is starting to whip up.
  12. South Charlotte temp is 40.5 and starting to drop after hitting a high of 40.8 at 9AM. Dew point high was 31 and now dropping. Getting the heck out and heading to 2 miles SE of Brevard tonight at 2,450. Everything pointing to a great spot to get a lot of snow.
  13. Same. I'm getting the heck out of south Charlotte. Don't want any of that 0.5 inch of ice and 25-35mph winds.
  14. I think we are all burned out from watching the storm over the past few days. All of the damage and destruction including the amazing footage of the winds from the storm have worn us down. Looks like it's going to take a route that could bring more rains to already devastated areas in Appalachia. Hopefully it goes closer to Nashville and/or speeds up and doesn't dump on the mountains.
  15. Really? Underground is on average 10 times more expensive than overhead lines. Europe as a continent is barely larger than the entirety of the US. I'd like to see them run underground lines hundreds of miles for no reason whatsoever. We could increase the amount of underground lines but then we'd dramatically increase the cost of electricity and underground lines are much more difficult to fix if something goes wrong. Source: I work for a utility. As a side note, NO is in trouble for a few days, if not weeks, if all 8 transmission lines into town are out of service. That would explain why they had a "catastrophic" failure to cause 100% power loss. The tower that fell into the Mississippi can have the line be temporarily rerouted in a matter of days if the area isn't under water. Edit: edited two inaccurate statements
  16. I work for a utility in the South so "up there" includes the utilities in southern New England, NY, and NJ but especially in Southern New England where I used to live.
  17. I know. We can hope the utilities up there call for help and can get things back up and running sooner rather than later...
  18. That is a great question, especially considering climate change and potentially increased disaster chances. I've worked for utilities for the past 10 years or so and know they track risks. Utility policy, especially in the Northeast, is extremely complicated so not sure it would be simple to isolate. I lived in Providence for five years and all I remember is how often the power would go out compared to here in Charlotte...though my neighborhoods power lines are underground. To get back on topic, I sure hope this storm doesn't knock out power for a few weeks in any cities. Quite a few folks in rural areas have generators but not so certain in the cities.
  19. Underground is 10 times more expensive,at least for transmission. Unless you want dramatically more expensive power, it's not happening.
  20. Thank you. As a lurker, I'm not familiar with the ignore button but will take a look for the future. To keep things on target, Panovich is predicting that Invest 94-L will become a tropical depression or storm soon (no time frame but he's usually pretty cautious with his meteorological language).
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