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About Kristospherein

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  1. Probably been covered but got maybe 0.25 inch of snow and 0.15 ice in South Charlotte.
  2. Significant power outages in Clearwater/St. Pete area. Around 200k so far.
  3. Same with NC/SC and IN/OH. Utilities help each other out, especially after they've solidified their own system. They will start with the backbone, if affected, and move towards the remotest lines.
  4. The surgecam 5 on the SevereStudios YT page is on and amazing. It's on the second story of a resort on the beach on Sanibel. Should be able to see the eye on it soon. I wonder if we will be able to see the stadium effect?
  5. The Periwinkle ones are all loading. Periwinkle and Tarpon was showing a stop sign blowing pretty well.
  6. My wife says to expect anywhere from a trace to 8 feet...i said what if we get nothing?
  7. Wow, you're right by me. I'm within five minutes of Providence and Rea.
  8. Yeah wasn't expecting snow here on the front end. Might happen if Temps keep plummeting. Now 36 in S Charlotte with a light mist.
  9. 12 inches on the nose here in Brevard. Had sleet and about 20 minutes of freezing rain but was otherwise all snow. Hoping we get 1-2 more from the wraparound snow but absolutely amazed at what we got so far. Was a really great storm.
  10. Just over 10 inches here just south of Brevard. Light sleet starting to mix with flurries.
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