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Silas Lang

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Everything posted by Silas Lang

  1. I don't know which year it was exactly, but my dad was dating my mom in 78 and 79 and remembers it snowed almost every Thursday that winter. It was his off day and their date night. He had to walk and got stuck on the highway many a time. lol He talks about those winters often. That was in Anderson County.
  2. Finally. I am not focused on one particular storm at this point, but the past few runs keep showing some big winter storms. It feels like it has been years since I have even seen model fantasy stuff look this active. Definitely a good sign.
  3. I am really sorry to hear about that man. I know it's rough. Had a similar situation last year right after our first son was born. Words can't express enough. I hope your wife has a speedy recovery.
  4. Yeah, models seem way off for this little system. Surprised no one is talking about this or interested. I know there are bigger potential opportunities (or busts) ahead, but I will take whatever 3 flakes I can get. lol
  5. Any reports of snow from that moisture currently on radar? Assuming it's not reaching the ground, but thought I would ask.
  6. Looks like the last NAM run was pretty good for the north valley (TRI) tomorrow. Almost looks like some moisture funnels right up the valley? Interesting. Probably won't be much more than a dusting or so due to the temps.
  7. Thanks everyone for the suggestions. If it was not obvious, this was a bust of a little event. I spent the day on the plateau (mostly in Cumberland County) and saw a few flakes, but just nothing ever got going. Even the Cumberland mountains looked blanked. But man, it looked like it really wanted to snow all day. The clouds and temps were perfect. Just no moisture or juice. Oh well!
  8. Yeah, I was thinking somewhere around that way. I know exactly where you are talking about. nWS says best chance of snow showers is Friday morning for that area, though the latest trends seem to show PM. Is there something they are seeing that I am not? Now just need to get the timing down.
  9. Weird, as usually the 12k is more robust due to lower resolution, but it's the opposite this time. From the looks of this, most in Tennessee will at least see some flurries or a snow shower sans the Southern valley.
  10. Hmm looking at that chart from Nashville, looks like Cumberland county towards Crossville would be pretty easy? Take 40 and hit the highway? Again, for someone who has never seen snow, just it falling with some white grass is enough. Odds that area is a good hit? Don't know how they typically do in these set ups.
  11. Yeah, it is still raining here in Knox. Not even on the radar. Just a fine steady mist/light rain. If only we could ever get this to happen with snow!
  12. Thanks guys. I will definitely keep an eye out and adjust as needed. Leaning towards plateau at the moment.
  13. Probably about 90 minutes. Coming from Knox. Of course, may be able to stretch it if it seems worthwhile.
  14. Hey guys, got some snow chasing questions. I think this Thursday and Friday, there could be a decent NWF or snow shower event for the higher elevations. I know the Smokies are probably the best place, but looking for some more accessible options as I have a small, two wheel drive vehicle I am not comfortable driving in with snow and getting too far out on small roads. So a couple of questions: 1) Timing. Is the most robust moisture moving through during Friday? Morning? Night? 2) Locations. Like I said, not driving some all terrain vehicle. I could easily scoot up 75 North as I don't think the interstate would be too bad, but not really sure where to go besides "north." Also, similar with the Plateau and heading west. I know there are some places just not sure where. Essentially, wondering if I could just pull off the interstate and drive down a well maintained highway and see snow? Thanks for any guidance. Not doing this for me, but for my mother in law. She is staying with us and is from Colombia. Never seen snow in her life. I love snow, but don't really chase it. So just looking for someone that may know of some easy places to see an inch or two in these NWF setups.
  15. I don't really understand how the front catches up east of the mountains with precipitation when it seems like oftentimes fronts can slow down and get hung up on the plateau. I am assuming it has something to do with storm dynamics or low placement?
  16. I think I like the general look right now. As a more casual observer, this December (and winter so far) definitely looks different than the past couple. Seems like there will be some big potential in the eastern part of the forum even if nothing pans out in the coming weeks. That almost phase around the 17th is interesting as I feel like I haven't seen it in forever. And even this weekend the storm and track look overall much different as TRI could possibly be involved. Is this what El Nino looks like? Pardon my ignorance, but it seems like things have been much more western based the past couple of years. I haven't experienced a legitimate snow day from work in the past 5 years. Please help me out this year, weather!
  17. I was thinking the same thing. Or more like a flurry type of day here, but still. We are close to my favorite time of year. I love it. No bugs, better sleep, cozy nights. Something about winter is just relaxing to me. Cold air, hot drinks. Or stiff drinks
  18. Whew, what a lame winter. Even the mountains didn't get too much this year comparatively. Southeast and Mid Atlantic pretty much shut out. You can really see the Nina footprint with how the axis of snow is west based. On the flip side, at least we see snow every year, so that's something. I measured two inches, which was all from that clipper, surprisingly. Anyway, bring on the warmth and see y'all next season!
  19. Sorry, I need post this happy hour end of run storm here to show the potential. My sophisticated analysis for this storm is that it is still spring break when it occurs.
  20. Of course we get a good pattern now. One thing is winter weather is certainly more explosive in March. Even if it doesn't amount to much, a snow shower in March can be an exciting, bombastic affair. I've experienced a snow squall this time of year that was essentially a summer afternoon storm with snow. Don't know if we will get anything big, but March snow can be fun to watch at least. Maybe we can all get a bit of fun to end this winter.
  21. Definitely can't be any worse than January or February! But in all actuality, December wasn't too bad. Extreme historic cold and an overperforming clipper for my backyard. I want to say this far out storm goes as the rest of the storms this winter, but does the retreating La Nina shakeup the trend?
  22. I want to believe, but gut says this goes west, or temps are warm enough for a cold rain here in the valley. Which at this point just give me warm rain at least. We have had some miserable 30 to 40 degrees rains this winter. Please no more!
  23. So it is 33 here and my deck is getting slick. A much faster drop in temps than expected. Surfaces including roads are pretty damp and it doesn't look like there is any breeze to help with the drying. I know it ain't as sexy or cool as a good snow, but if you're in the valley, be careful out there. Have a feeling some slick roads and freezing fog will take people off guard in the AM.
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