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Silas Lang

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Everything posted by Silas Lang

  1. Yeah, I noticed some sleet or ice mixing in when I went outside. I say ice, because rain is probably cold enough to freeze before hitting the ground!
  2. I don't know man, radar looks healthy. Futurecast shows returns continuously until midnight at least.
  3. Just measured 8 in the yard. Biggest flakes I have ever seen in my life. Snowballs falling here. 24 degrees.
  4. Every run of HRRR seems to prolong this event. This is 1am.
  5. Temps dropping down to 27. Snowing hard. Measured 6 about an hour ago.
  6. Hardest snow all day. Fully expect over 6 inches on the next measurement. It is pouring. Temps falling to 28.
  7. Man, the radar is still looking beefy too. What a day!
  8. HRRR and short range models show the moisture to keep funneling up the same locations as snow until system totally departs. Someone is getting a foot if this is true.
  9. That's what I keep telling friends and family. Someone is getting a foot out of this! Not sure where exactly, but I think it's possible.
  10. Yikes. That's going to be a mess. The whole state will be a mess all week. Especially if we get little topped off on Thursday/Friday.
  11. Really sucks that you aren't getting it. Maybe you'll still score if the cold can make it to that side of the valley before all is said and done. Still hours of upstream precip. If that Storm prediction center mesoscale update holds true maybe forcing might help in your area to bring down temps. Yeah, there is still plenty of time. I am hopefully for those in the foothills. Nice man. You guys in Halls should have a little more with your temps. It's still 30 here in Fountain City have 5 inches on the ground. The temp went up about an hour ago. From 29. Holding steady at 30 and all snow. Hopefully that means no mixing for us.
  12. Just measured 5 in the yard. Can't believe we are only halfway done.
  13. Last HRRR wants to keep some heavier returns over the eastern portion of the state until midnight.
  14. Goodness, just running the eye ball test and I swear, we are going to be at 6 before too long. As an unofficial measurement tool, I placed random beers throughout the yard. I can only see the very top now. Going to have a beer hunt tonight. lol Will go out and measure officially here shortly.
  15. Temp actually jumped up to 30, but yes. Small flakes, but like a billion falling at once. lol
  16. Feel like being north of 40 is big for this storm.
  17. Yeah getting a lot of 4 inch reports from friends here in the central valley. At the rate it's falling, seems 8 is obtainable total.
  18. Looks like solid returns until 7 or 8 with lighter backend stuff until around midnight. Someone is going to score a foot, right? Especially if this thing can back build a bit as it moves out into the night.
  19. Yeah man! I am in your neck of the woods. Been fantastic!
  20. Same here. Just hit the 4 inch mark. Adding up faster now. Still holding strong at 29.
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