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Everything posted by weatherMA

  1. Thanks dude. I've learned a ton but there's so much to learn.
  2. LOL, that's ok, I still like snow even if it doesn't disturb school. I remember '08. It snowed all day Saturday in between the two systems...just never stopped snowing. I wasn't on this forum but that was one of the first storms I was on accuweather for lol....I discovered this forum spring of '09 (eastern) and started posting at the end of that year. I can't believe its been 2+ years on eastern/american already...time flies.
  3. I feel like we've had less long duration storms lately...any truth to that? It just seems like most snowstorms last 12-18 hours regardless of amounts and then they're done. Anyway, last winter was awesome because even when it looked like rain, events somehow turned wintry. I remember that happened on 2/25 and again on 2/28-3/1. Both of them trended more wintry and 2/25 I believe was snow to rain back to snow. And then 2/28 looked like rain but we got a good period of zr I believe on top of like the 10-15" of snow still remaining. I can still picture that...it looked amazing. Then we also had the 3-5" advisory event on 3/27 (edit: 2/27, March sucked). Man, last winter was awesome.
  4. It's coming 3/3 to 3/10. Watch out . Seriously though, the best thing I've had in my young life was after the 10/29 snowstorm on that Saturday afternoon/night we were out of school Monday/Tuesday. We also had the famous "double snowday" last year where people were hoping for 3 snow days from 2/1 to 2/3 of 2011. That was when the first storm really trended into the major one with 6-8" for a lot of people when originally the second one was supposed to be the dominant one. That was when stations through out 18-24" amounts...and that busted but it was still enough for double snowdays. Besides that though I can only remember getting single snowdays. On 12/13/07 we got out of school early and I remember watching flurries fall in 8th grade English last period before we got let out at noon...and by the time I got home it was 1-2" down and a whiteout. I remember being on the news the next day for being the only school without a delay the next morning. Also there was the 2/10/10 bust where we were supposed to get 8-14" and many schools let out early and we ended up with 3" of fluff that night after just flurries and snow showers in the afternoon.
  5. Ryan, awesome coverage. I really want some snow after watching some of that video lol.
  6. lol, i knew it was fake after the first sentence...if he died the first place his wife would go wouldn't be this forum...
  7. Winter 10/11...RIP 2/8/11 2/211 1/27/11 1/12/11 2/25/11 *Merrimack, NH 4/1/11
  8. The 3" on 2/8/11 is easily my favorite 3" snowstorm of all time.
  9. LOL, that was bad.That was the first storm where I actually saw parts of Shrewsbury get flooded. I remember how mad you were during that one...lol.
  10. LOL, I was gonna say there's no way he's never heard of that storm before.
  11. Thanks...sounds awesome. A repeat would be nice
  12. lol Sounds like me everyday before any storm that's greater then 3" . Even the storm that brought 6-12" to CON and north last week I was checking my ipod at school just because I was curious lol Looks like I got about 25" in this storm Will while you get like 35"? Does that sound right?
  13. Yeah not really surprising. On any other year that would be an amazing snow pack for 3/1...>12" except for areas directly exposed. This year it was a bit of a let down after the 5/6 week period from 12/26 to 2/2. Just two days before that there was an icing event...then a rain event I think? Then March 1 was clear and cool.
  14. March 1 here.... noticeable difference.
  15. That looks like 1.5-2"? That's impressive. I got .5" in that only on grassy surfaces. IIRC though it was just supposed to end as a few snow showers and wasn't supposed to accumulate at all. I recall most news stations saying ending as flurries and this board being the only one to mention a coating or an inch, and even then, it over performed. I remember that afternoon well. I was working on a Biology project and a 2 hour project took me the whole day because of the storm and this forum lol (despite the fact I only got a half inch).
  16. Going back to 1/12 I think Kevin asked about the dryslot like 30 times. Everytime a met posted he would reply with questions about it lol.
  17. Yeah I need to see how calc goes next year. I'm not quite as good at you in math as I think you took BC calc senior year? I'm taking honors calc next year so we'll see how it goes... As far as minoring goes I've thought about what could be the best thing to have as a minor...or even double major..but as another poster said that will probably take 5+ years to do... Are you minoring in anything?
  18. Who cares? Sure, I could get a degree in engineering and probably do fine and have plenty of money to support a family. But, you only live once so I'd much rather have a career in something I'm interested in.
  19. lol, i didnt catch the 2009 either. I totaled 7" exactly between the 2 in '10. Not sure about '09.
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