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Everything posted by davenc

  1. I was 15 when this storm shocked even North Carolina! Above 4000ft in The NC and TN mountains recieved 35-45"! Had just 6" imby... the dreaded 85 corridor in Charlotte....
  2. If a storm hits and I am 10 miles on the WRONG side of the rain/snow line.... Im snow chasing from now on. For Concord Mills area this winter has been a BUST!
  3. The Mt.Mitchell cam facing Mt.Craig got busy super fast. Trees went from green to weighted down in about 2 hours. Mt.Craig peak has been hidden for hours.
  4. I'll be able chasing snow if I have to sit at my home just 1 MILE NE of Charlotte Motor speedway and be 5miles as the crow flies from all snow. The constant 85 transition line is just wearing me out! I'm not getting any younger and I love to park at 2500ft and watch the transition as I climb a nice 5000+ hill. I got the mountain snow fever living in the shadow of Brasstown Bald Mt in Georgia. It just amazed me that a 3hr hike, and an Elevation change from 2400ft where I parked, to 4800ft at the obs deck at the top was like being in different world's. Nothing like sitting up top in clouds and 40mph winds with snow swirling all around me! I need that adventure back, but somewhere in NC.
  5. Charlotte-Mecklenburg County predictions. Im rolling laughing. Welcome to the I-85 transition hell-zone!! My world.
  6. Lol, now this is a scientific answer! Thx
  7. Why has my temp gone up from 36 to 39 over the past couple hours here in Concord,NC? DP HAS Only gone up from 32 to 33. Thx for any insight!
  8. Mooresville usually fares very well with snow in this set up. But the fact that it's barely December worries me a bit. I'm in Concord, my heart is already aching. About 75% of the time I'm on the wrong side of the transition zone. In fact it might actually run through my backyard. Best of luck!
  9. I live in Concord near CCharlotte Motor Speedway. I love that these new runs have me right on the 12" line. BUT, I know how this wrx out imby about 75% of the time. If this storm dumps 12" in Concord, it will be an historic event for December. While we have had awesome totals in the past (13", 17", CLT proper had 23" in the Ballantyne area years back.) These totals are once a decade type events. I hope I see 30". I hope we all Do. But this is my personal take on things regardless of models. Rain, snow, maybe a slushy 2-4", then sleet, and LOTS of it. It drives me insane to think about it because 10miles N of me as the crow flies Kannapolis, China Grove will easily be in mostly snow. All that to say I literally live in that cursed zone. So I'll keep y'all updated because if I start to see this storm play out snowier, points North and West are gonna get CRUSHED!! Cheers and Beers to all!
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