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Everything posted by Nibor

  1. I know, right? The only way it’d work is if the person who coughed or sneezed was wearing something that covered their mouth and nose ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  2. Same areas that got hit hard with rainfall from Isaias.
  3. Probably my favorite video I took during Isaias.
  4. Pretty extensive tree damage here. Winds have been calm for better part of an hour now.
  5. It's been almost 8 years since Sandy. That's a long enough time elapse for trees that were not vulnerable then to be vulnerable now. That is if the winds verify as strong as they're being forecast. Could be pretty substantial tree damage.
  6. It's been consistently the strongest modeling of the globals. Hope it's wrong.
  7. I’ve moved a lot over the metro the past couple of years. Where ever I’ve been living I’ve somehow missed the goods. A lot of the “severe” thunderstorms I’ve witnessed over that time were probably low on the qualifier for that warning. This was definitely severe.
  8. It’s been a long time since I’ve witnessed a thunderstorm like this. Lightning ever 10-30 seconds.
  9. Star gazing in the whites is incredible. I just hope the comet stays bright enough until I’m up there.
  10. Im going to be hiking in the white mountains in New Hampshire Thursday-Sunday. Think Neowise will still be bright enough to see?
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