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Everything posted by Nibor

  1. C’mon, peak style and warmth.
  2. Have you tried wearing one very large layer?
  3. Perhaps this is a novel idea but you can go outside even if it’s cold.
  4. The warmth is all good and fine but I'm gonna complain the moment I have to turn on the AC.
  5. So you're saying a cold snowy winter would worsen the economy and geopolitics...? Breakout your coats and rev up those snow blowers gents... the current age of a warming planet is no match for apocalyptic irony.
  6. There’s a joke here about smashing pumpkins but I can’t figure it out.
  7. Good coaching turned DJ around.
  8. Bro, how many times we gotta go over this. Rockland County might as well be Canada.
  9. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIANTS
  10. Has anyone just kindly asked the sun to be around longer?
  11. I can’t remember the last time I felt this good about a Giants win. Might just be the alcohol, though.
  12. For posterity because the ERC was such a huge component to the strength of this storm.
  13. On and off light to moderate rain here.
  14. Sack up and get your butt in that water boy.
  15. Oof I’ve got Yankees tickets for tomorrow…
  16. "I would have evacuated but they gave it a 15% chance of being a category 1" "I would have evacuated but they were listing off all the possible locations and I didn't have time for that." The only thing that'll improve forecasts is to better fund the National Weather Service and all other public weather agencies like the NHC. They are so severely under funded it's ridiculous.
  17. I'm a master of my own debating domain.
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