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Everything posted by Nibor

  1. In the city it smells like someone lit a match in the bathroom to cover the smell of shit and urine.
  2. I look forward to future simplification of headlines. HURRICANE GO WOOSH
  3. Captured the sunset tonight in a time lapse through the RFK bridge. Video link here is better quality.
  4. Insane sunset tonight.
  5. 2.2 earthquake centered near Yonkers: https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/us6000kd2b/executive
  6. This has been such a wonderful spring thus far. AC has only come on 2 times.
  7. Are there any weather themed bars in Manhattan?
  8. Being able to just open my window instead of running my AC is a win. days in the 60-70s and nights in the 40-50s is my favorite type of spring weather.
  9. I applaud your excursion into the uncharted northern territories beyond the George Washington Bridge. I pray the polar bears don’t get you.
  10. Taken from Instagram: https://instagram.com/nyc_timescape?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  11. Lot of rain. One crack of thunder.
  12. You’re controlled everyday you just don’t realize it because you’re used to it.
  13. A snow weenie complaining that he doesn't get enough snow in the place that he lives which happens to be the greatest city in the world is the definition of a first world problem.
  14. Seeing as my financial adviser is @snowboy19 and his reckless capitalistic mindset all I can say is, I have the fascists on my side.
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