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Everything posted by Nibor

  1. I too hold Nick Gregory personally responsible for not paying the imaginary snow tax.
  2. The cigarette companies are the oil companies, the doctors are propoganda news outlets, and the babies in the womb are the idiots who can’t connect dots that are in a straight line. Probably because their mom was dumb enough to smoke while pregnant.
  3. The sun is a fake theory perpetrated by teenagers and their TikTok’s.
  4. I wish more people thought about those poor defenseless fossil fuel companies.
  5. Move to the west coast above 5K feet
  6. I talk about that day to people as an absolute anomaly and they just look at me as if everything I said was never said. Like one of the MIB guys came by and flashed them as I mentioned it.
  7. One of the things I’ve learned from backpacking is that the ground is the sneakiest enemy when it comes to staying warm. Cold hard compacted ground will just suck the heat from your body. Thats why it’s good to get a sleeping pad that has a really high r value to it. Anything that can create separation helps and corrugated cardboard, while really basic, can probably add a degree of r value insulation from concrete flooring.
  8. Might be the case they haven’t implemented it into system. Newsletter from ecmwf if anyone wants to read more about it: https://www.ecmwf.int/en/newsletter/163/news/ai-and-machine-learning-ecmwf https://www.ecmwf.int/en/about/media-centre/aifs-blog/2023/ECMWF-unveils-alpha-version-of-new-ML-model
  9. I don't think there's a manufacturer that makes a sleeping bag that goes that low. I think Western Mountaineerings lowest rated bag is -40.
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