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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Cambridge, MA

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  1. 61 degree dew point at Logan is pretty impressive for Dec 11! Alltime December record is 63 set back in 1915.
  2. Not great quality (just using my phone), but you can briefly see the shadow bands at 35 seconds on the snow (wasn't looking for them). Please excuse the lack of composure...
  3. Doing the same as you, Jerry. (But leaving Cambridge at 5:30) Can you text me? I couldn't message you for some reason.
  4. Last eye candy for the year?
  5. OMG, Ray, as someone who has lost family members to addiction, this was so inspiring. Keep it up!
  6. But the EPS are trending weaker and worse (wide right). Not a good trend in conjunction with the OP going poof.
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