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The Ole Bucket

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Everything posted by The Ole Bucket

  1. Lots of back and forth between flurries and light snow. Saw rates back off and pick up about three times over the course of a 4.5 mile walk. Went out for a mile for every inch it's snowed. I imagine storm totals will come in around 5. A bit lower than I'd like. But it snowed. On a weekend. I'm out to make a snowman with my kids. It's a good time.
  2. Back deck now closing in on 4" Another two today, and *no freezing rain* and we'll hit my bar.
  3. Actually halfway decent around here for the first time since December 2018.
  4. Main roads all over Charlottesville were questionable for those without four-wheel drive or plentiful experience before the sun roads. Side streets were.. something. Now a little better as the plows come out and visibility improves. Mod snow going on. Around 3" on my back deck.
  5. Looks like I’m waking up to a couple inches on the ground. Official spotter had 1.4” a little before 4AM. Definitely more than that out there right now.
  6. Well the 0z HRRR has Charlottesville getting just under 7" by 5pm tomorrow so there's that.
  7. Look I'll gladly settle for 6 inches tomorrow and then snow TV on Monday. Truly. It's been awhile and I'm desperate.
  8. Can we move that coastal about 50 miles southwest? I'd love to get in on the banding.
  9. Based on prior experience, we will be fine for the first part of this. It has been PLENTY cold today
  10. Pretty wild that Sterling has 4-6" by 7pm Sunday... but have yet to move this to moderate.
  11. Decent enough juice there, as usual for the NAM. But enough cold? Now pull that 540mb about 50 miles to the SE and we're talking..
  12. No way that snow verifies on this side of the Blue Ridge right? Right? Surely it's just gonna pour rain all Christmas Eve and then become bitterly cold and dry. Mind you, a cold Christmas would be nice. Much nicer would be to have a couple inches of snow on the ground..
  13. Enjoying these reports by proxy. To y'alls south there is a dusting of sleet, a thickening glaze of ice on everything and current precip is ZR/IP/SN all together.
  14. Pretty nasty ZR out there down in Cville with IP mixed in. Glaze over all the railings and cars right now.
  15. Basically it's coming down pretty good everywhere except literally where I am. This is not a complaint. Not really. Just an observation. A few miles up the road it's a strong snow/sleet. In Culpeper everything is white. I haven't tested it outside but I fear a lot of ice..
  16. Friends up the road on Hydraulic say there's definite snow there. We're talking 4-5 miles between snow and sleet/ZR
  17. Man I don't know. I think it's gonna be sleet and ice all day. I would consider myself lucky if it becomes all rain actually. I do not like ice at all. Give me subzero temperatures and snow.. or even bare ground. I just don't like ice. Dangerous and I've got wife/kids to worry about.
  18. Just to your south. I can walk to the Mall in less than 10 minutes. Saw a few wet flakes in there for a moment and rates backed down. Not looking forward to the ice.
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