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The Ole Bucket

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Everything posted by The Ole Bucket

  1. Pretty much all sleet in CHO now but very, very light. It feels a lot colder than it is, if that makes sense.
  2. Very light mix of sleet and rain in this part of Charlottesville.
  3. It's been overcast all day and not gotten above 40. Currently 39/27
  4. That was a VERY memorable February. One of the few times I remember seeing a negative air temperature around here. And Alaska was very warm.
  5. NAM at 45 is just a wild look. Splashes a few inches across MD in wave 1, then a few from here in CHO south in Wave 2.. and leaves a hole of zero frozen precip that stretches across NOVA, Southern MD and DE.
  6. Look if I can just reach the low end of the "expected snowfall" range I will be content. But hope endures. Also, really my main point here is that Sterling's thoughts on upside potential across many parts of the forum went from like 5-7" to 12-14" in a day. That's not bad...
  7. The upside on this could be... really substantial for basically the whole forum. I know it never pans out but here's the 1 in 10 chance map..
  8. Sterling a lot more bullish this early morning than it was yesterday..
  9. Harrisonburg jackpot potential would check out..
  10. I want/need someone much smarter than me to explain how the moisture wouldn't just get eaten up by the mountains in the Piedmont area given how this system will be moving..
  11. Let’s keep it that way. I had enough power flickers and limbs falling from the ice event earlier this season!
  12. Back to back to back Sunday mornings with snow is nothing to sneeze at if we can get it. And there’s almost something romantic about the potential for a big Valentine’s Day storm ushering in some freezer air..
  13. Two inches on elevated surfaces in my backyard. And that was before the melting commenced. I imagine this will indeed be totally gone in the next couple of hours. Advisory criteria, but definitely not WSW. And not as much fun with it being extremely wet and kids could not sled. But the visuals during the bands were above anything I've seen in a couple years.
  14. They actually cancelled in-person classes that day at UVA. In March! Trying to walk through that was basically impossible. And I remember how my back felt after shoveling my old sidewalk and drive. Just brutal. Everything was so heavy.
  15. Probably going to miss my bar of having a decent sledding event. Just simply too wet and everything compacting. But the visual is great.
  16. Anyway, rates are not terrible here but the temps are so high, the sun is rising and the snow so wet that it's just not accumulating after hitting about an inch. Just compacting on everything basically now.
  17. Wear something water resistant. It's not particularly cold but you will get wet in this stuff!
  18. Really weirdly, Charlottesville had like 16+ inches for Snowquester (which I think was 2013). 16 inches of the wettest, slushiest snow I've ever seen.
  19. Within minutes of rates backing off, the roads immediately just become wet. Now they are picking back up and some white/gray is filtering back in. Will be interesting to see if the snow can ever win the battle until the storm departs.
  20. I was outside with a t-shirt and a hoodie. Wasn't even particularly cold. Just pouring down clumps of snow. Rates are, indeed, enough if you're lucky. This is all gonna be gone by like, 3pm though.
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