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The Ole Bucket

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Everything posted by The Ole Bucket

  1. Fingers crossed it stays below freezing all day. Gorgeous bluebird conditions. Sunny, 2 inches of fresh powder, barely a breath of wind. A nice change from our Florida vacation. And quite glad no new trees down or power/road problems after seeing absolute carnage on I-64 on the way into town yesterday. Kids are loving it out there.
  2. Still virga in downtown Charlottesville. But the air feels and tastes like snow.
  3. Leave it to the NWS to make messaging even more complicated.
  4. Mets say over 4" in Cville. Regretting my vacation. https://twitter.com/TravisKoshko/status/1478020238461620226/photo/1
  5. Love too miss 3" per hour rates while I'm on vacation in Florida. Incidentally, this system is so powerful that while there's no precip here in NoFla, we have been having 15mph winds, expected to increase modestly through the morning, gusts over 25. Hope there's still some white stuff when I get back. Enjoy it lads.
  6. Definitely a hefty mix now. 50/50 it seems
  7. Well it said 19F IMBY but it doesn’t feel like it. Not a breath of wind nor a cloud in the sky. Sleet still big mounds in the gym parking lot. Gorgeous now though I know it will get too warm for my liking later today and this week. Ah well. We had a good run this past week. Time to get after it.
  8. Given that the snow this year has been quickly attacked by the dreaded sun angle.. it’s been nice to sleet hold up. I’ve come around on that sleet bomb. It was ugly when it came down but now it’s done well.
  9. Aside from the days when it has snowed.. this is the best morning of the winter. Sleet is a glacier (though patchy), the ground is rock-solid frozen, everything is iced over and it’s sunny. 30F but also fairly windy. A quite fine day.
  10. GFS has gone from 18" in Charlotte to jackpotting Charlottesville in three runs. I assume this means the storm will be modeled to be in PA by tonight.
  11. We've had so much ice in CHO this year that I've almost burned through my first 50-lb bag of rock salt. Freezing drizzle here too.
  12. Went for not exactly a Jebwalk since it's sleet... but a lot of the secondary and tertiary roads in downtown CHO remain messy. Not anything someone with experience couldn't handle easily, but compacted sleet with a frozen ground makes for something that's really stubborn to get rid of. It's a ghost town here.
  13. Ah so we have found the REAL warm nose!
  14. Thank you. Though I think, especially for this year, @Warm Nose ought to be considered da real MVP.
  15. A foot and a half for Charlotte next Friday. Definitely going to happen.
  16. The weirdness of the roads helped make this event not fun or memorable.. but at least interesting. Even after repeated plowing/treatments even the main roads remind me of the Midwest. Persistent ice and compacted snow (in this case sleet) to drive on. A bit of a throwback for me in that regard... while at the same time seeing significant accumulating sleet for the first time.
  17. It sucks that so many are missing out on big snows.. but the silver lining is that this sleet event is pretty unique and it's probably cutting down ice totals.
  18. Incidentally, the roads are passable in Charlottesville but not plowable because it's almost all sleet and it's 27F out there. Just an hour drive away from all those deathbands up there it feels like one of those weird winter storms that hits northern Mississippi or Alabama. Never seen it before.
  19. I think it's pretty clear that, somehow, the NAM is the new king.
  20. Pounding sleet in CHO Kind of hurts to walk in it
  21. Snow enough to get a coating, maybe an inch out there in Cville. Everything covered up quick. Now a mix between snow and pingers. 27.
  22. I think it was the only model having CHO even sniffing 5" And it was money.
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