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J Paul Gordon

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Everything posted by J Paul Gordon

  1. Looks like some awesome LE snow potential up on the UP of Michigan! Would love to spend some time up that way some day. BTW what is the average 850 mb temp in our region this time of year?
  2. Nice to see CNE and NNE get in on a pretty pre-Christmas snow. Would love to share in it, but glad someone is going to enjoy it. I'd be happy to see the ground stay white through Christmas down this way, but thats a strectch. Maybe a couple of spots in the shade lol.
  3. So all evened out maybe about normal to slightly above temps and same for snowfall for most of SNE and maybe some really good hits for NNE? Remember a year like that about ten years or so ago.
  4. Weenie up everyone. A white Christmas for all. Event on Dec 22 or 23 could bring snow all the way to the coast before its over. How can I be so sure? Because wishful thinking guides everything else these days, so why not? Reality check seems to show some changes by then anyhow and we about due for an anti-Grinch storm.
  5. Things must be pretty dismal out there for a cyber fist fight to break out over the MJO. Outside of (perhaps)south coastal NE and the Cape and Islands it will be a white Christmas for everyone. if we count Russian Orthodox Christmas (Jan 7 by the Gregorian calendar) even those left out on Dec 25 will end up with snow on the ground. The MOJO is absolutely clear about this. Even a monkey's uncle could figure that one out. PS Don't ever underestimate the power of wishful weenie thinking.
  6. Nothing like a pattern change (short term or long) just before Christmas. Major snowstorm around the 20-22. Below freezing temps through New Year (at least) so kids on vacation can enjoy their sleds, skis, whatever during the Christmas break. This far out dreaming of a white Christmas is more entertaining than dreaming about the annual grinch storm.
  7. Looks like a potentially good hit for N Central MA back to the Berkshires. We would be snow to mix to some rain here in Worcester. Snow maps a bit confusing though.
  8. Hey if we have to have warm why not go from toast to roast. Rare to get a 70 degree day this time of year. Of course it loses somehting if its raining.
  9. Got up to 56F but now 55. Dewpoint has dropeed a couple degrees, too.
  10. Maybe 2-4 here and then the same? Didn't even know flakes were in the (potential maybe if we dream hard enough) forecast south of the 44th. Hey if the ground is still white a couple days after the event I'll count it as a win.
  11. who doesnt have a short summer and a dreary spring around here?
  12. Worst place: just to the east of the rain snow line. Best place: where the coastal front maxes the snowfall rates (about 20 miles west of the r/s line).
  13. Its behind here, too, but not so radically. Maybe 2 weeks? It varies so much year to year that 2 weeks in either direction isn't uncommon-at least now. Latest I've seen it peak here was in 2011-12(?) when the trees we still in leaf (albeit colored leaves) at the beginning of November. Peak was at the end of October that year. (We also had very little wind that fall, if I recall, so that may have helped along with the above normal temps. Colors seems nice and bright where they are bursting through. Up in Wells color is more like I'd expect it to be here the first few days of October here (Worcester). They are usually about a week ahead of us on the Maine coast--much more so inland.
  14. I'll take a front ended winter over the opposite. Its nice to have snow on the ground at night at the darkest time of year. NDJ cold...excellent...FMA milder...OK days are getting longer so let spring be in the air!
  15. Whoa! Coming here to see what anyone might be talking about weatherwise and reading 4 pages of this is like going down the rabbit hole. Still, great to see people are doing fine and talking baseball lol! Happy meterological fall and all that too.
  16. 3 inches (very little added since this morning). Tiny flakes and fog. 26/25
  17. Hey widespread 4-8 isn't bad. And anything that freshens up the 8" of glacier out there will be appreciated.
  18. Kinda looks like the mean girls are out.....
  19. 32/31 very small ice accretion here. Lots of areas already above freezing. Seems to be plain rain. Roads (by report) are wet but not icy. Dodged the bullet here in Worcester.
  20. 26/20. Really? I either need to move way far north or way far west on a night like this. Assuming no nightmare scenarios of falling trees and power outages from this piece of garbage, might actually enjoy the next storm--if it stays mostly snow. I'll take my third crash and burn now, thank you.
  21. 27/20. Temps moving in the wrong direction.
  22. 27/21 on Green Hill Worcester. Roads are fine still but some surfaces are starting to get a little slick. Barest trace of icing on tree branches. It was 36 in Northborough (about 10 miles east and 400 feet lower). No icing when I was there with the wife earlier this afternoon. The reading seems to high looking at local temps, but there was no ice on any of the surfaces (including car windows etc) while we were out.
  23. My second crash and burn in a week! LOL
  24. Going to make sure to take anything subject to rotting off my cellar floor! The Christmas storm's melting snow and semi frozen ground flooded me for only the third time in almost 25 years. If it stays 40 or below the snow soaks most of it up (still have 10-12 inches or so on the ground). If it goes up to 50 with heavy rain.... Still better than having an ice laden tree fall on the house. OT: My mother's side of the family is from Oklahoma. What an incredible scene down there. I think they've broken their seasonal snowfall records due to December and January evets.
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