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J Paul Gordon

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Everything posted by J Paul Gordon

  1. 28 here now. Took the dog out, sidewalk covered with sleet, trees glistening but with just a trace of ice. Pefect. No harm done and it will look pretty in the morning light.
  2. 29 Sleet/freezing rain. Hope it goes back to snow for a quick inch or two.
  3. Sitting at 33 for hours now. No melting and already pretty much as dense as its going to be. This will be about 10" of proverbial glacier (About 7 today, not out of line with Lancaster 2 miles to my north) plus the five or six inches already on the ground and further packed by today. Glad we avoided the ice. It looks like not far to our north in the higher country they must have gotten hit. High 33, Low 23, Dewpoint(current), 32
  4. What kind of illegal street drugs are people taking out there. Looking for massive damage from ice and wind. Think of your f'in neighbors if you don't have the intelligence to worry about your own. Sorry for the rant, but it's insane to want destruction and mayhem.
  5. 7 or a little better new on the ground but sleet and dense snow packed down. Actual total probably more. Total on ground nearing a foot with all that has gone before. Fitchburg area reporting 7.5 new, sounds real here, too. It looks like the coastal front has set up about 6 miles to my east. 27 here now and sleet. 32, 33, 34 on and east of 495.
  6. 6-7 inches on the ground here grand total from everything that's fallen this month. Better to the north, worse to the south. No surprises there. By the end of this weekend's storm maybe up to 10 inches after packing down. If the Thursday storm pans out even as a moderate event I'll have more than a foot on the ground for a few days. Good news, the ground has been white for weeks now. It should stay that way til the end of the month. Not a losing situation considering the past few years.
  7. Put this up earlier on the Feb Discussion page. Would like one of the Mets to answer. Which scenario seems more likely? Wunderground and Accuweather have more snow on Saturday-Saturday night and colder temps on Sunday 32-34 than earlier. Also, Wunder has 2-3 inches on Sunday, Accu 1-2 and Accu is warning of a potentially serious icing situation. NWS is still calling for temp to rise to 40 with everything going over to rain on Sunday. What's happening that Wunder and Accu have gone for lower temps and potential for significan icing? Why is NWS holding out? I should add that I'm thinking Church (in Southbridge MA) may be cancelled pn Sunday due to clearing issues and that we'll probably be stuck here in Clinton no matter what the weather is down there. Granddaughter's first birthdy party was supposed to be in Church hall after services.
  8. Wunderground and Accuweather have more snow on Saturday-Saturday night and colder temps on Sunday 32-34 than earlier. Also, Wunder has 2-3 inches on Sunday, Accu 1-2 and Accu is warning of a potentially serious icing situation. NWS is still calling for temp to rise to 40 with everything going over to rain on Sunday. What's happening that Wunder and Accu have gone for lower temps and potential for significan icing? Why is NWS holding out?
  9. I'm figuring that at this time Sunday night I'll have a couple of new inches of wet snow pack on the seven or so inches left over from the previous couple of snowfalls we've had. A slight net gain which will turn into a solid block of ice by Monday morning. Several inches of snow Saturday-Saturday night (meaning 2-4; 3-5 max) will pack down during the rain on Sunday but it will be cold enough not to wash everything away. My big problem is whether my grandaughter's first birthday party in our church hall in Southbridge will get cancelled again because walks and driveway won't get cleared in time for services for the second week in a row.
  10. High 24, Low 12 2" snow sleet light crust from a bit of freezing drizzle earlier. I guess we did pretty well for the area. We've had a solid cover (except in some really sunny spots and south facing slopes) for two weeks now. Today whitened it all up. Expect a to do a little better Saturday night/Sunday morning. It has actually felt/looked like winter this year, so I won't complain about snow amounts.
  11. Live in Clinton so maybe 4-6 here, but have to go to Southbridge, probably 8-12 there!
  12. Down to 36, rain here. Still a good deal of snow left over from 1/19-20. Unless it turns over, expect that to be mostly washed away. Funny thing is that the ground is virtually bare in Westborough just a few miles south. They're saying 1-2, 1-3, but doesn't look like it will be going over for a while. High 40, Low 22
  13. Love it--a week of cold and the ground white, and we still have that beautiful winter light. Perfect. 30F, Light snow an inch plus. Grass is covered.
  14. So the original 3-5 we were being called for seems to be correct. Maybe 6 if we're lucky. OK with that, ground white with a waning moon during a frigid snap. It should be our best hit so far. We got 4" last Saturday, but that's gone now. Could be a lot worse, the way this winter has been running. BOX still has us at 8"
  15. Is this because of rapidly falling temps? I guess I've been under the assumption that the storm will begin tomorrow afternoon with temps near 40 and that most of the sifnificant stuff will be over well before dawn. What I haven't been able to figure from the past few pages is how fast the temp drops and how much precip falls after it goes below freezing. It looks like a significant amount will fall after it gets colder. So, everything depends on the location of the storm which could be anywhere from over Providence to out to sea.
  16. OK 2-4; 3-5 IMBY. Just what they've been saying all along. As long as the ground is white for the cold spell, I'm fine. I was afraid of a rain to dry slot. Not expecting 8-12+ like some folks are dreaming.
  17. We're located at the north end of Wachusset reservoir on the Lancaster line about five miles west of 495 Bolton exit. Looking at the maps it seems that we do pretty well. It certainly looks like we might be on the higher end of 3-5. Does this storm go from rain to snow or snow to rain in my area?
  18. The ground will be white here after it's over. Whether a trace or 6 inches depends. But it's going to be damn cold afterward no matter what.
  19. 4 inches plus here. High 30, low 25. Snowed lightly all day. Still coming down. We finally got a break here in Clinton.
  20. Anything in the Clinton, Lancaster, Bolton area? We have a thin coating from the other day.
  21. more like 10 thousand years of mosttly grain and plants (agricultural revolution). Meat was rare and expensive for most of the urban and non-land owning rural populations until the twentieth century. Then came the processed food revolution. That's where the real problems started. Now we have high fat, hight carbs, and SUGAR up the wazoo. (I think I'm starting to channel RFK Jr.) High of 54, low so far 35. Late October weather. Dewpoint is 40.
  22. 3 days of 32 or below for highs this month so far. I've seen worse for the whole month (2018?) and that was in Worcester. We (Clinton) tend a couple of degrees higher than the airport, pretty similar to where I was living in town, though. With a 3 or 4 more subfreezing days, we wont be in the worst for lack of cold days. Snowfall here was lousy, though. While others got 4-8", we got less than an inch (subisdence?). Anyhow, Christmas is coming snow or no snow and the winter light is quite lovely on the bare ground and trees. Sometimes you just have to open your eyes to what you have versus what you want. (End of philosophy 101 lesson).
  23. Seriously bummed. 60 air and dews will wipe out the two inch pile of snow at the end of my driveway.
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