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Everything posted by bwt3650

  1. When you sit back and actually think about some of the troll comments logically, it's actually funny. It's just ridiculous stuff. There is no one on this board that knows what will happen four months from now. There is no way anyone can actually make a predication about frost or not 45 days from now, let alone the snow totals in the month of February. We all root on the weather we wish for, and there has to be a healthy balance between the wish casters and those who put us back in touch with reality, but lately, it's all about who can make the most dramatic doom and gloom prediction out there.
  2. I remember back in 2024 when the peaks were white by early-mid October. Sucks now. .
  3. Do you happen to know the low temp on December 16th too?
  4. This is a dumb (because I know the answer will be yes) question, but do you have first flakes data for the northern greens recently? That quick Jay burst in September, though clearly not record type stuff, seemed early. .
  5. First flakes early/mid September…first coating early mid October. Not earth shattering, but a good (even if normal) start this year. There’s some decent cold in the next two weeks..and warmth too…maybe a normal, to just below normal month and no temp drama or dew talk? .
  6. IF those temps on the gfs held, there is, in theory, a window in the next 10-14 days killington could probably blow open rime and reason on the north ridge. Not saying it would stay open straight through, but might be a power move and message by the new private ownership to get the first October open in quite a few seasons. Even if they couldn’t hold them open into November, might be worth the publicity and marketing… .
  7. Yeah, I got it. Wasn’t a shot at you…or anyone. Just the general sentiment of late that everything sucks and there’s no reason to be excited about cold or snow anymore because it’ll inevitably suck somehow, because it’s always hot and everything sucks, because, you know, it just sucks…that’s been beaten into us after a few crappy winters. Just trying to remember what that feeling of transitioning into cold/snow season was like as a kid. .
  8. Well that's certainly a way to shit in the cornflakes of anyone excited about the first NE flakes of the season. Though Jay had something frozen fall for about 30 seconds a few weeks ago at 3500 feet. If anything, it's pretty much right on schedule.
  9. Some flakes for the peaks, and overnight freezes in the forecast. After the last two seasons, the bar isn't particularly high so let's hope for a great season.
  10. That gfs run doesn’t exactly scream October torch. First flakes for sure in the greens if that held. Perfect dry, mild outdoor weather for the last month, then right into some N-BN temps…no complaints. .
  11. The best worst winter ever….think Steven Adler doing speed balls. The highs were great, but the lows inevitably followed. The April 4th 3 footer was a nice way to end it tho. .
  12. Colors really starting to come in at jay. They added webcams on both sides last year with 13 different views, so great Mountain Views for fall and snow season. .
  13. Powdr sells killington?? It’s not April fools so I’m assuming the storm article is accurate. Looks like a couple locals bought it and are keeping management in place. .
  14. No argument about okemo. They have been killing it in the snowmaking department the last couple years. One of the more reliable, early season spots when conditions get iffy. I just don’t love the terrain enough to justify it. .
  15. Jay obviously, and I’ve switched to ikon now for the 3rd year in a row. Epic northeast is really a great value, but the only mountain I miss is Stowe, which I’ll still do at least a one day pass. I like the western ikon spots better and I justify the northeast by: Windam over Hunter Stratton over mt snow Killington over okemo Plus a day or two at sugarbush and the option of the big two Maine resorts. The one I still want to get to not on the big passes is saddleback. Constantly hear good things about the glades there. .
  16. A +3 departure is the warmest on record?? .
  17. Started off that way up here, but dried out quite a bit after about 3…until the rains came back a couple hours ago. .
  18. Talk about piecing it together for one last day. What a difference in 24 hours… .
  19. Just can’t let that 2-3 feet verify, lol. .
  20. Snowing..don’t think there’s been a break with zero flakes in the air since weds afternoon. .
  21. Blind squirrel maybe? You know this climo better than anyone.. I just felt good about this one. When that sleet line started creeping north, I felt it was small enough jumps to keep us safe (mostly) but was inching the liquid up. The 3k had a couple runs with the heavy bursts jumping around north of rutland so if we scored a foot in the initial, I thought we’d sail to 20. But im sure this bs “gut” feeling infuriates those with actual meteorological knowledge. Brilliant people analyzing 700mb flow and dgz and I can barely read a sounding. .
  22. This wasn’t terrible from Sunday for the northern greens. .
  23. Gfs won by a landslide…locked in on 2” liquid up here. Had the Jp in southern vt/nh for a bit, but knowing climo, felt good about our chances up here from 4 days out. .
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