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Everything posted by bwt3650

  1. 38 here even in jersey…bet we hit 75. BN low to AN high is the way to do fall. .
  2. Kinda saw that coming for the top…looks like a very sloppy couple inches at the base for jay. I’m sure the tram house at 4K is nice, but I think for 24-25 the score is Stowe 1, jay 0 .
  3. Is that webcam on 242 new? I thought I saw it when I was driving up. If it’s where I think it is, that’s right at the dip and that spot is actually higher than the base area. It’s a great tool. .
  4. Mansfield looks like the bullseye tonight. I’m in jersey, but looking at the cams in my yard, I’d guess an inch or two of glop at 1900’. Very much elevation dependent, as you would expect in October. Definitely some nice marketing material for Stowe and Jay tmrw morning. Looks like good snow for several more hours. .
  5. I have to admit, I was concerned you were going over to the bad place. Welcome back....at least til the weekend.
  6. I know...ball busting only...yes; looks like a lot of back and forth this month. The cold shots are a nice reminder that it can still snow when it should.
  7. White slopes on almost the same date 3 out of the last 4 winters…this one should be significantly more then the recent ones though… .
  8. Pretty typical for a snow only 3 weeks removed from summer, no? Come on, embrace the possibility that winter might not actually suck as bad as the last two… .
  9. Yeah, no way I was implying we would see those clown numbers...but the look of upslope after it passes through Weds is pretty impressive for mid October....Even the GFS has a robust burst late Tues/Early Weds. There should be some cool shots of decent snow up at 3500-4000' Wednesday.
  10. 3k nam, though overdone, is pretty wild for up here through weds.
  11. Yeah, it's Jay. You can't see the ridgeline from that angle so it only shows the from of Tramside up to about 3200'
  12. Yes, til afternoon. Finally switched over to snow here at 1900'...slushy coating so far
  13. 41 and rain now down low, not sure up top .
  14. Stick season above 2000’. Chilly, overcast fall day. .
  15. Early Christmas grinch was powerful last year… Dec 13th… December 19th… .
  16. Retention was an issue last year even here. We went back to almost zero at 1900’ a couple times. November/early December started out like it was going to be a 2018 repeat and it was bare by Christmas…happened a couple more times throughout the winter, but then would come back strong. .
  17. Serious question…When do you switch to winter mode? Or have you just had enough and don’t enjoy it anymore? .
  18. Dog has cancer so the prednisone makes him pee all night and I went out at about 5am..the wind was insane and a mist literally blowing sideways. It was intense. Still windy now, but nothing like that. Def a fall crisp out there today. Hoodie weather. .
  19. There’s some color for those who enjoy staring at leaves, but def a lot of drop. .
  20. Then I just learned something and I was wrong .
  21. The temps were based on data back to 1990 and if you accept the noaa climate data, the earths temp has risen by an average of .11 degrees f per decade. So while climate change is real, this is another example of hyperbole, thinking this year’s numbers would be “several” degrees above normal if compared to 2010s. And I believe if you were following that logic anyway and comparing to higher base numbers, this years temps would actually be more so below if your starting mean was higher, but I get your point. .
  22. 100 percent. That’s the point of my tirade. In summer, I’m all about 90 degree days and the beach..in winter, 3 foot snowstorms…but not everything is “it might never frost, freeze, snow, rain etc.” again. I tell my kids all the time in sports; act like you’ve been there before…no need for the drama. .
  23. There is no denying the last two seasons in southern New England and the northern mid Atlantic were as trash as can be. .
  24. You’re reasonable and look to facts. If you post that the month ran a plus 3, then that’s what it is. But some would have you think that one of the snowiest decades since records started being kept occurred during the revolutionary war, not 10 years ago. It’s been warm in vt, but not everywhere has been as extreme. I just picked a random CT city and looked at the departures and the last two months both Aug and sept were actually BN (unless I’m reading it wrong which is always a possibility). If you read some of the stuff over the last two months, you would think CT was an island on the sun. So while I get some only want torches and humidity, (yes, not everyone has to love snow and cold) call the ridiculous posts what they are…implying that peaks in NE were always white in early/mid October way back, but now, that never happens ignores that it has happened the last 3 years in a row, the earliest of the 3 being this year. .
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