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Everything posted by bwt3650

  1. I’m at jay right now..mt. Snow was much better last few weeks. The mountains with the better snow making are the place to be right now imo.
  2. Lots of very thin cover up here at jay..they really need the upslope machine to kick on. Better conditions two weeks ago in southern vt.
  3. Jay vs. sugarbush tomorrow? i know anywhere is going to be crazy but which one for less crowds and better conditions? Sugarbush looks like they have a ton of open terrain compared to jay and the freezer isn’t running yet at jay so all that terrain is out, but the glades at jay look pretty decent right now.
  4. I’ve been out skiing multiple times already with mid-winter like conditions and natural trails already, and winter hasn’t even started. Conditions were better pre- thanksgiving than some Christmas weeks. Drive thirty minutes north of nyc and there was feet of snow. Maybe just a little perspective..and this is from someone who lives in the nyc area. by the way, appreciate the knowledge in this forum..learn a lot from you guys.
  5. Looks great out there and I would guess you added to that today. Want to see how everyone gets through this cutter and maybe head up toward the end of next week. Any other ropes drop today or expected this weekend?
  6. Another awesome day at mt. Snow. Steady snow all morning at the summit, packed powder and the they haven’t really touched the north face. It really feels like mid-winter out here. Southern Vermont seems to be leading the way in conditions right now but I can’t wait for stowe and jay to catch up so I can get up there. Anyone been out up north today?
  7. Hunter the place to be for this storm? Maybe they get Hunter West open.
  8. I think that was Early Feb 2011...It snowed during the day, switched to sleet, then the real show started from about 6 until midnight...Two inch an hour rates for most of the evening. If I remember though, that was the last real snow event that year after an insane six week period.
  9. Mt. Snow was awesome today. Really impressive terrain for pre-thanksgiving. Lots of guns set up too so it looks like they are ready to go wild once temps drop toward the weekend. Would add a photo but it looks like the size is too big.
  10. Been a skier all my life and last year decided I wanted to learn to snowboard. So I rent a board, head out to the bunny hill and figure I can "teach myself"...3 hours later, I left with what might have been a dislocated thumb and a very sore ass. Cant remember ever being so sore the next day after a trip out to the mountain. I did wind up taking a lesson and put a lot of work in last year so I'm hoping to enjoy it more this year. Point is, no matter how the sport beats you up (ski or snowboard), it is addicting and there is nothing better than a great day out there to clear your head and feel like a kid again.
  11. Anyone know where Killington usually goes after Rime and Reason? Thinking of heading out next week and it looks like they will be blowing 24/7 with the upcoming temps. Just want to see if I'm looking at only those two or they have moved quickly to get terrain open in the past.
  12. A lot of action out on the north ridge cam at killington right now..looks like snow making might start for real today.
  13. Killington hitting the top of Superstar this morning. Anyone know if that is normal for them to blow on Superstar this early? I thought they usually hit Rime and Reaon on the North Ridge first.
  14. The old peak pass, which I think you can still get this year (bought mine the end of last season before the merger), includes wildcat and Attitash and I think you if you have the old peak pass, you also get fifty person off at Stowe and Okemo this year. I was thinking of switching to the Epic local, but I think instead I'm just going to hit Stowe a few times at 50 percent off.
  15. Mt snow is great for intermediates and the north face can push you a little...not the toughest out there, but enough of a challenge for an intermediate skier. If you want northern vt, have you considered jay? It’s the furthest of them all, but def less expensive and shorter lines. Tons of cool glades too. My goal this year is to get to Stowe. Probably the most expensive out there, but I hear the terrain is worth it. I’m sure powder freak would agree.
  16. Mt. Snow selling lift tickets for oct 26th and 27th online today. I guess they’re shooting for another October open along with killington.
  17. Makes sense...jay has so many moving parts right now, it’s probably difficult to value, whereas vail is the industry leader at knowing how to run a mountain and extract value, so i’d bet they could sort through that part of the jay mess pretty easily. on another note, any changes or improvements you know/can share for the upcoming season at Stowe?
  18. With this purchase, I would guess vail is out of the running for jay (probably didn't make sense with Stowe so close anyway) I wonder if we hear something from Alterra soon; not sure who else would buy them.
  19. Thinking about jay peak tmrw and heard maybe 6”..anybody have any thoughts on the wind forecast for tmrw and what the odds are of wind holds are? Not sure what jay shuts them down at.
  20. Anyone have any thoughts on jay vs. sugarloaf early next week? I heard the jay glades are still loaded with snow.
  21. Anyone been to southern Vermont last few days (Snow/Stratton/Okemo)? How are the conditions holding up? Was thinking of going one last time Monday if we get a few inches Sunday.
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