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Everything posted by bwt3650

  1. Jay survived this pretty well, but it was a classic thaw/hard freeze for southern Vermont/Catskills. The Mt. Snows, Magics and Hunters of the world look pretty un-skiable right now. Killington looks like they are reopening the 25 or so trails they closed yesterday for tmrw, so maybe thats the cutoff in Vt, but for anything south of there, Thurs night/Friday isn't going to fix this. Hopefully, Monday comes through. I would think the northern greens/whites recover fairly quickly with what looks like several decent bread and butter shots over the next week or so.
  2. Been a great stretch...no liquid or thaw/freeze has kept it fresh and any crust out of it. Def flirting with the end of the streak tmrw, but should recover quick with the famous J-spin upslope insurance policy later in the week after the Friday Storm. No Snorkel storms, but just good quality, consistent skiing. I haven't made it to big jay, but it's on my list (need someone experienced who knows it)…did you go up from the 242 parking lot or from that spot off Northway?
  3. Hopefully sleet and not a ton of freezing rain...any liquid is going to make weds pretty bad with that quick, hard freeze after the precip shuts off. Southern Vermont resorts might be in trouble. Better hope thurs refreshes.
  4. Shifting toward later season climo...reason why March is the best New England ski month of the winter.
  5. No gutters here..if that one on the corner was at any height, it could be a dagger straight through the heart of anyone underneath.
  6. Peak ski week, limited capacity and best conditions in a couple years. Not surprising...hunter is similar.
  7. Having spent a good chunk of winter up here this year, I haven’t seen any crazy exaggerations. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen at all, but most days when I check the conditions report, they are pretty close to what I’m walking out to and I’m at 1850’. They do report broader ranges and as I’ve mentioned, if you always use the higher number “we picked up 3-5 on the hill today” and adding the 5 up all winter, I could see that skewing it a little, but I’ve never woken up to 2 and the report says 6. Those woods are deep right now. Pf is as accurate as they get, so I’m sure it’s not the same here. Post mlk, it really has snowed almost non-stop. Maybe one year I can be up here a full winter and really accurately document and see how off they are. Tough to tell in the picture, but that’s outside my front door currently and while that’s where they cleared the sidewalk, you can still tell the overall depth is probably over three feet.
  8. Completely misses me at jay. I’m starting to learn how to anticipate what’s coming and the flow a little. Closest spot that it picks up is probably Richford. Not sure if it has anything to do with how isolated the snow is sometimes also. Not always, but there are times where it literally shuts off just 7-8 miles down 242.
  9. I’ll let the others more familiar with the meteorology, flow and wind pattern this week comment, but I will say that tues and weds look good for powder refills and right now, the woods are so deep that they don’t even really need much more than that when you will be there. People are starting to pick up on how well the northern greens are skiing so maybe it will start to get a little more crowded, but mid week has been amazing and empty; zero lift lines. Everything is staying fresh. I would recommend the glades off ullrs (andres and beaver) as well as everglade right now. Also, the tram is not running weekdays, so hike up north way and Valhalla will be untouched or if you know the pump house.
  10. Yep...”snow showers” have a whole new meaning up here...I’m used to that phrase for passing flurries; now, it means light it up, upslope is coming. I’ll take snow showers for days.
  11. Kind of cool, tho. Going to sleep watching the flood lights and wake up to 4-6 of fresh powder.
  12. I mean, let’s put Jersey winter in perspective..nice to see a good streak back home, but I think I’ll keep the place in jay.
  13. I have about 28” in NJ...what’s uncommon this year is the snow on snow pattern setting up, not necessarily the depth at one single moment. It’s great to see down there as it’s been a couple years since there has been a real snow pack mid winter feel, but it still can’t compare to northern vermont. Overall winter retention is completely different. It’s great for the local ski areas tho, who some seasons ski on completely man made garbage most of the year. Even hunter opened all of hunter west for the first time in a few years.. I agree...I root for snow anywhere. I live seeing places that miss for a while score big, especially knowing the averages will come through up north.
  14. That looks like a nice open glade to learn in!
  15. This is turning into a hell of a snow season for me. It seems lately I leave snow up north to drive back to snow in Jersey. And from a weather geek standpoint, two totally different type events producing results. I’ve been enjoying the daily 3-6 refreshers perfect for ski season and tracking the synoptic nor-easters for Jersey snow. A 44.1 spot in nj and 31.8+ in jay is quite the two week stretch, knowing that the globals will miss a lot of our bread and butter.
  16. Dude, I need a photographer like you..can’t compete with these shots..great stuff.
  17. Conditions are the best they have been since the storm late last feb...powder everywhere. Very squally today; it was be puking snow for thirty minutes, then sunny, then foggy, then snowing again. But the woods were deep no matter what. We picked up about 4 last night and another 2-3 during the day. Really enjoyable skiing the past couple days despite imperfect weather.
  18. I’m probably about the same...it is steady right now, but lightened up a bit.
  19. Really picking up now..those echos look like they are heading straight up from just east of btv. Think it could turn into a flood light staring night and a powder morning.
  20. Yeah, it was good stuff...national was fun too; giant soft bumps. Went to spruce early and got off sensation to what seemed like hurricane force winds and thought the day was going to suck, but turned out to be pretty solid. I def need to explore those woods more next time.
  21. Picked up about 2 here today and just started snowing steadily again. Radar looks good for some decent burst heading up this way.
  22. Getting lost in the woods today in pf land. Woods were deep and some barely touched stashes. Foggy up top but overall, great day. Not really sure where this was but i ducked in somewhere off of upper hayride. Tight up top but, opened up somewhat.
  23. I’m hearing 9-11 back at jay this morning. Looks like a great snowy, powder day too. Should be some excellent mid-winter skiing this weekend. Anyone have the Mansfield data? Curious if they have caught up to normal yet? side note: the nne magic followed me to Jersey for these few days. 20-30 locally and a pack that’s not going anywhere fast. Roads still snow covered and light snow again this morning, making 4 straight days. Don’t ever recall that in New Jersey.
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