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Everything posted by bwt3650

  1. You are answering a question with a question...What part do you think was horrendous? Look, I don't work for vail or Mt. Snow or anything, and quite frankly, Mt. Snow is not even in my top 3 in Vermont. It's close by when I'm not up North, they blow a ton of snow, and the North Face can be decent to get some laps in. But you post things like "vail sucks" and "Mt snow is horrendous" and don't say why. I will say Vail customer service sucked this year. You couldn't get anyone to talk to, they lost passes, and they were clearly understaffed. But that's the call center stuff. I've been to Mt. Snow under peak and Vail and I didn't notice anything that was" horrendous" in comparison this year, especially considering Covid stuff.
  2. Give us something to fix today and tmrw. Above 1500 feet works for me.
  3. The snow on Superstar will last no matter how warm it gets. Here is Superstar on July 6th Last year, still with a tiny little patch of snow hanging on. Pretty amazing that trail has at least some snow on it for every month of the year except August and September.
  4. What part of Mount Snow has been horrendous? It has always had issues with crowds due to it's proximity. I haven't noticed them blowing less snow or cutting corners on the Mountain. In fact, I think they open earlier now then pre vail and peak. If you are judging by this year, I think that's a mistake because it was crowded everywhere to some extend. Maybe they could have run the Grand Summit Express more often to help with lines at the Bluebird, but other than that, I don't think Vail did anything to make it horrendous. Now, if you are talking customer service or trying to get someone on the phone to deal with the passes, that's a different story. But I think Mt. Snow was the same as it has always been.
  5. I think its a smart move. Wall street didn't like it, but the stock is almost a double since last year so easy excuse to sell. In my opinion, it's a bet on a return to normal and get as many bodies to the resort as possible, so they all spend on lessons, rentals, food, lodging etc. That's the categories that were way down and that's where the $$ is made. As far as passes go, obviously, the family does jay season passes but I also usually do another multi-pass. During a normal year, I'll day trip to Vermont and then hit Stowe a few times when I'm up North. I usually don't ski weekends except for at Jay, so I get the weekend crowd arguments at epic resorts. Lines were long everywhere this year and I have to think a lot of that was the lift restrictions. It wasn't just Stowe or the epics. K-mart was the same at the Gondola; they just have more room to spread out on the mountain. But when you run an 8 person gondola with singles or a six pack with 2, that's going to happen. If I had to pick three in Vt outside of Jay, it's sugarbush, Killington and Stowe, so no way to get everything. I think that going epic for that cheap, and then maybe doing that Vermont 4 pack thing and just looking for a midweek deal if I want to hit K-mart again makes the most sense and gets me the most variety. Though I love sugarbush, I know in reality it's too far to make it there a bunch of times. The Vt four pack thing also lets me hit a magic or a Bolton or Smuggs too for like 179, which is cool.
  6. Bold move by epic...was seriously considering switching to ikon, but for $359 midweek vs. $729, I think they got me.
  7. J-Spin...always spewing the facts and climatology to counteract our wennie emotion...NNE will be fine...poconos, Catskills and Mass will struggle to get through this week, but I think April 1 is the goal anyway...anything past that is gravy.
  8. aren't we coming up on the one year anniversary of 15 days to slow the spread? haha... Anyway, back to skiing...Prime spring skiing the next few days and next weekend/early week is looking more promising...I think at your elevation, you should bump up your totals in the next 10-14 days and maybe, I get some powder next week.
  9. After all these years, we made the flu disappear....In all seriousness, I don't think there's an argument that increased hygiene helped, but I do think we should be careful with messing with nature and our bodies immune systems. Not sure how true it is, but I remember the old tale that it wasn't a bad thing when your toddlers get exposed to all kinds of colds and stuff to build immunity... and Stowe was fine with the mask stuff. I'm was on board with the mask in the congested areas, lifts, lodges etc and everyone besides the "I'm going to prove a point people" were good about it...Whether I believe it is necessary or not, just do it so it doesn't get shut down was my thinking...I think it's ridiculous to give someone a hard time about taking their mask down while ripping through the woods, tho....and the wearing the mask while driving solo in your own car is a bit much, but whatever; it doesn't affect me.
  10. ehh, a couple two day rain events in the 50s puts an end to a lot of the northeast ski resorts. It's late; I know...I'm just being spoiled and hoping to go into closing weekend in early May with more than just Superstar and the Jet. Couple years ago, there was a handful of glades and a dozen or so trails. and is that the synoptic snow bomb we have been waiting weeks for early next week on the gfs? If only...
  11. Man, I haven't seen such consistency 7-10 days out for an all out ragging rain storm up here since the grinch. Not saying Friday will be the same, but every model seems to have locked into a soaking rain Friday. Going to put a big dent in the ski season if it happens that way. The following week looks like there's more chances for something other than rain, but by then we are really out in clown range.
  12. And apparently more knowledgeable than the cdc and WHO...such a waste of medical expertise in organized labor.
  13. Absolutely...That was the game changing event this season for the northern greens. Without that storm cycle (MLKish I think) the ski season is completely different up here. That was the storm that got the woods in play here.
  14. Valid points...the option to attend full time in person should be there, though. And yes, the socioeconomic aspect is an additional piece of all of this.
  15. The data is clear that schools are not the cause of spread, teachers who wish to be, will be vaccinated by fall, the vaccines are working against variants, and the 7 day average cases are down from a high of 200,000 a day to about 50,000. I've yet to hear an expert in the field say that in person learning is not far superior to virtual and it's been a YEAR of virtual. Schools can and should reopen safely.
  16. They zone out on the computers and its not like in class where a teacher can catch them and tell them to pay attention....My wife just went through my 2nd graders school computer and we found he was searching youtube, robox, and other crap during school time. He lost internet use for two weeks. Don't tell me that other kids aren't doing the same thing. The poor kindergarten teacher spends half the time just trying to get the kids to focus and solve computer problems. This doesn't even address the social interaction they are missing, as well as the hands on learning like you are describing. Kids remember good teachers and the things they teach for the rest of their lives. And I'm sure good teachers are missing the interaction with kids. We have learned that we can do in person learning safely. It's just not the same behind a screen. Period.
  17. New cdc guidance should be a game changer for schools to reopen fully. Teachers vaccinated and new guidance means there should be no excuse not to have kids in school, full time, by next fall at the latest.
  18. Blowing snow other than superstar on March 19th with a week of 50s ahead is pretty impressive.
  19. Unfortunately, I think its going to be struggle to go deep into April though with the lack of recent snow. Next week and those cutters are going to hurt.
  20. Na, I think we agree completely about the skiing. Good mid-winter, very few thaw/freeze cycles and the powder held in the woods well this year. It is snow depth, not totals. I think for me its more that I'm surprised that it didn't "feel" as low as the depths and totals were. If you asked the average ski/boarder who's not a snow weenie, I think they would never have known the depth was near a 25 year low. And where I am, if there is decent pack preservation, I don't think you notice the difference between 250" and 350". There was a solid 36" base for weeks, even at my place at 1850.
  21. I was just looking at the Mt. Mansfield snow stake date. I didn't realize how much of a ratter snow total wise this year has been. It def felt like a decent 6 week winter period right when it should be, but if you look at the data, besides 15-16, there really hasn't been a worse year snow total wise in the last 25 or so years.
  22. Need to save this for next year when a venture over there...never been. Heard they have decent snowmaking. Is it decent by Jan there?
  23. Last year at Jay it was shut down a few days earlier but the weather had already turned to crap. The last few days of Feb saw the best storm cycle of the season with about 36" but by this time, there had been a rainer or two and then a flash freeze. Shutdown weekend was bad conditions and I think there would have been a bad couple weeks after that before it started snowing again if I remember.
  24. We are below average...Like you, retention has been decent and there was a great long stretch of no warm ups/cutters so the mid Jan through early March Ski season was average to above average while the snow totals were below in my opinion.
  25. It hit me 12-18 hours after 2nd shot...Nothing you can't handle, but a general 24 hours of feeling crappy/weak; then almost like a light switch, you feel better...that was my experience at least.
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