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Everything posted by bwt3650

  1. Jay has plans to start tomorrow. They usually hold off until closer to thanksgiving, but I think this is too good a window to miss, especially if mid-month warms up.
  2. About 3000 feet up on Killington's Web Cam.
  3. That’s a real solid snowmaking window on the gfs, storm or no storm.
  4. I love these forecasts...Jan and Feb will be the coldest part of the winter, it will snow in Canada and storms out of the gulf. Not to discredit the guy, but it seems the posters on this forum do a better job of the difficult long range game and taking a risk with their forecasts.
  5. Monday looks like go day for real this time for snowmaking season. I would guess we see K-mart and Mt. Snow open soon.
  6. Was surprised too but they’ve been on all day. Spitting out slush. That north ridge is way up there but I hought next weekend might be a better window.
  7. And so it begins…here’s to a great 2021-2022.
  8. Yeah, it looks like seeing first flakes on the peaks is a real possibility next week. I looked back to last year and I think the 17th was the first dusting. It’s hard to believe with how warm it’s been that the timing year over year would actually be fairly close.
  9. First fake snowstorm on the Gfs tonight…it’s coming!
  10. First Until a-basin opens a magic carpet at 530pm Friday night…. good to see it begin, tho.
  11. Feel better. Love hearing your historical insight into that Maine climate.
  12. I think it’s a safe bet an October opening at Killington is off the table. No panic yet, but with the World Cup back this year, I would think they have to be a little nervous if the long range were to look the same 15 days from now. They really have to string some good windows together to bury that lower half of superstar in time for those depth measurements. I know they set up about 100 guns, but I have to think that’s gotta be a lot of trail to bury to the cup standards if they don’t start by the first week of November.
  13. Big news on the mountain triple. I swear you could hear that thing grunt on busy days, though it was the go to when windy. That’s for next season I assume? Where are they extending it to?
  14. Highlight of my year is being out with my family during the season. Last year was a big step with my kids finally being able to hang on some more intermediate terrain. My wife snowboards so when I go out with her, I'll switch it up and it's like a completely different mountain on a board. It's kind of become our thing to do together and get a little kid free time. The excitement is starting to build. In some years past, K-mart was only about a month away from opening.
  15. When they are working smoothly, the RFID system is great. But I've left a credit card or maybe my phone or something in a pocket near the card and then the gates don't open or you are doing that freaky looking bump/dance next to the reader to try and get it to work. If it doesn't work right away, I'll just move to the side and try and grab the actual card out, but I've seen people on busy days sit there and try it over and over while the line backs up and it doesn't take long for the "get the f out of the way" mumbles to get louder and louder. But from a resort perspective, I'm sure there is better use of labor than having two or three people scanning with the guns, especially with a labor shortage.
  16. Well, at least Wall street sees a big ski season. I kinda buy the pent up demand. Let's see if mother nature cooperates. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/09/21/vail-resorts-stock-upgrade-keybanc.html
  17. very cool shot..so is that the back of madonna and sterling at smuggs?
  18. Fall heading in right on schedule. September to me is a summer month, period. Whether it's 10 above or 10 below for the month, highs of 70-75-80-85...its all warm to me. Fall has always been October/November with temps in the 40s-60s, and it looks like that's where we are headed. Next stop, late Oct first snow watch.
  19. Construction vehicles, ambulance..just thrown around.
  20. Raritan river. Rescuing people from an apartment complex and it just came so fast. The Dpw garage is on the banks of the river. Supervisor blew it and didn’t move their equipment like they usually do and the losses are in the millions. Garage had over 15 feet. Never saw flooding like this here. We get it, but this was worse and faster. It’s all down now, but it was a crazy sight seeing cars everywhere; on top of each other, in rivers, on guard rails…the power of flooding rivers is amazing.
  21. Couple pics from the flood aftermath of where I work in jersey. Hundreds of cars just abandon and floated away. Found several in the brooks and river as they went down. Fire department lost a truck.
  22. that’s some mid season 47 degree, wind swept rainstorm ranting right there! I want to look him straight in the eye and I want to tell him what a cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sack of monkey shit he is. Hallelujah. Holy shit. Where's the Tylenol?
  23. Angle the mountain is with the wind slamming into it have any effect? I just think about the difference in the wind riding up the jet on stateside vs. the freezer. To the right of the freezer is wide open after about tower 15 and the wind direction and intensity is completely different.
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