Nah, probably not top 3 in NJ, but a very good Feb. One storm was about 20", so that gets you about half of the seasonal total alone. There was a 3 week stretch where it was like an NJ version of bread and butter, and a decent December storm, but not wall to wall. March 2018 was just as good if not were 13-14 and 14-15.
I'm with you waiting for a solid, meaty foot plus up at Jay. It hasn't been terrible, but we need that one storm that gets all the natural and glades open. I looked back at last year and the trail count on January 10th was similar to what it is now; so I guess no need to panic yet. I think MLK was that solid week where we saw 36 or so inches that got things going. We need one of those storms that dumps a foot of high water snow, then tracks into the GOM for a few days of bread and butter.