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Everything posted by bwt3650

  1. Tested positive on the 26th and I still have the cough..all other symptoms were gone in 3 days besides my energy being reduced, but this cough won’t quit.
  2. It’s starting to rise…up to -12 here.
  3. -18 down in Montgomery and -13 at the mountain. I’m guessing this is the bottom before it starts to rise.
  4. Looks like a decent signal for some snow on Friday for the northern greens.
  5. -18 here at the mountain. Looks like the weekend may actually be colder.
  6. -18 out…I think I’ll skip 1st chair.
  7. Maybe that’s what the sne crew does when they have those meet ups at funky Murphys. I really wanted to try and make one some day, but what if people are mean?
  8. I figured it was a staff issue…it really wasn’t too bad and I’m always in awe when snowmaking buries a trail like that. The unmistakable jet engine sound, then you hit that tower right after the cliff and it’s like dead silence. It looked like they were on the top of national too? You don’t blow that whole trail, right?
  9. I have to be honest…if someone doesn’t like me because I use the term “k-mart”, I’m cool with it. I love the mountain, but I’m not too worried about what the locals think. And I am an outsider…and that’s ok. I live in New Jersey. My wife and I plan on moving to Vermont when I retire, but I’m not pretending to be something else to fit in. I just love to ski and ride (and drink beer too)…will never pretend to be something I’m not.
  10. Looks like some places aren’t even opening til noon. If the wind chills out in the afternoon, I might give it an hour, but that’s probably it. Next weekend looks like it could be a repeat. That would really suck for all those parents who have lessons booked for their kids over the holiday weekend. I’ll take any cold if the wind was calm.
  11. Two words..lookout double. Tough ride up the four runner today with guns blasting away on lift line. In all seriousness though, Stowe was pretty good today considering the weather. A few good natural trails up top (cliff to nose dive was great natural to fast hard pack) and besides the normal skied off routes, they are doing a fantastic job keeping it skiable. Good to see guns on lift line and national. Should be able to bury some good terrain this week. jay had some decent woods in play. It’s thin in spots, so you have to keep your eyes open for debris, but definitely enjoyable. Some of the wind swept groomers were solid ice; like bad ice. Both mountains had their ups and downs, but overall, not terrible considering the wind and temps.
  12. Thanks…heading up for a few weeks tomorrow and going to try to brave the cold, but wanted to see what conditions were. Jay is guaranteed to have holds so I’m hoping k-mart or stowe has something to the upper mountain, even if I only get a couple hours in. Tuesday may be a no go anywhere with temps, though if the wind dies down enough, below zero doesn’t bother me. Weds may be the day at jay before the mlk crowds start to build.
  13. How did the mountain do? Was it enough freezing rain to make tomorrow crazy icy, or just a light glaze?
  14. Just want one to open up the woods...then nickel and dime it all winter long.
  15. Nah, probably not top 3 in NJ, but a very good Feb. One storm was about 20", so that gets you about half of the seasonal total alone. There was a 3 week stretch where it was like an NJ version of bread and butter, and a decent December storm, but not wall to wall. March 2018 was just as good if not better....so were 13-14 and 14-15. I'm with you waiting for a solid, meaty foot plus up at Jay. It hasn't been terrible, but we need that one storm that gets all the natural and glades open. I looked back at last year and the trail count on January 10th was similar to what it is now; so I guess no need to panic yet. I think MLK was that solid week where we saw 36 or so inches that got things going. We need one of those storms that dumps a foot of high water snow, then tracks into the GOM for a few days of bread and butter.
  16. 18z 3k has a nice little hit. That would open up a big chunk of natural terrain that’s right on the cusp right now…not the steep rocky stuff, but would probably be a solid expansion, at least for a bit.
  17. ehhh, wasted one of five bullets on the icon. Four more to go.
  18. Kirkwood is my favorite mountain out there...used to be quieter than heavenly and squaw and crazy terrain. I haven't been there since I was a teenager, but I can't even imagine what "the wall" is like under 100" of powder.
  19. Where’s phin? Suspended I assume? How do we get him back?
  20. Knowing an outcome is entirely unlikely, yet trying to convince others it’s plausible because it’s unpopular.
  21. Don't know, but Tahoe has a WSW for 4-8 feet right now...Heavenly and Kirkwood should be skiing well next week.
  22. Tip, I get more physics and calculus in one line of your posts than I did in high school…whether I want it or not.
  23. I actually don’t mind the people who balance out us snow weenies and bring us back to reality sometimes but dude, you have a degree in meteorology and probably learned more physics and calculus in day one of ninth grade than I did in my entire life. Give me some science or facts behind it rather than a 342 hour map. Even I can read that..,otherwise, you’re just a douche. But if it gets him off, enjoy.
  24. So you’re saying the 342 hr troll frame was inaccurate???
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