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Everything posted by bwt3650

  1. I agree…it’s felt like December. People leaving the house tonight bundled up and hearing the cracking of ice and seeing snow on the ground makes it feel as it should. .
  2. And as a bonus, you might get to light yourself on fire based on the report out of Taunton .
  3. I have those exact same tacky plastic soldiers in the exact same spot…. My wife hates them, but I insist on putting them out every year. Had them since I was a kid in the 80s. .
  4. Pretty cool getting such a detailed plan..everyone knows I’m bias toward Jay, but their snowmaking has been kicking ass this year. Maybe go after killington this year for latest season with the superstar project? .
  5. Good for them..they took a beating publicly on the slow start so it’s good to see them hit their groove..it’s the most inconvenient mountain for me to visit personally, but when it’s on, it’s such a great spot I try and get there at least once a year. .
  6. Not exactly a huge data set...kinda a stretch for a stat to be negative, no?
  7. Going to be one of those weekends where you just get the water to the guns and max out the systems. There’s some Vermont mountains that really need to make up some ground…sugarbush, Burke, even Mt Snow seem really behind. Jay is ahead of where they usually are and Stowe and Killington seem pretty on track. Stratton is another spot that seems to be doing very well this year with snow making and terrain expansion. .
  8. The upslope doesn’t look bad as this pulls away overnight. Might pick up enough to make for a sneaky good morning. .
  9. I immediately thought of him too…def sounds like NIMBYism. .
  10. Fuckery was always one of my favorites, but I will def add fuckening to my arsenal .
  11. Looks like we got something too on the cameras..It’s still pretty wintery out considering what happened yesterday…no where near the pack eraser last year around this time… Vs last year… .
  12. Def doesn't compare to last years pre Christmas washout. I think most ski resorts survived fairly well considering the amount of rain. Lots of good snowmaking temps ahead, so barring a repeat of yesterday showing up, the holiday week should be vastly improved over last year.
  13. Over to snow now and pack still alive..icy weekend ahead out on the slopes, but 2-4 before this shuts off would go a long way. .
  14. You: three paragraphs of explanation and facts on why the pattern will be hot, cold, dry, wet, snowy, rainy or whatever. Him: rip and post the warmest snapshot he can find in another regions forum with some passive aggressive comment. You’re both degreed meteorologist. No comparison…but moving on… .
  15. I couldn’t imagine being that miserable in life that he takes joy in trying to bring down others. There’s a difference between being a dose of reality to snow weenies, and just popping in here every once in a while to be a douche. .
  16. I was gonna ask about that area..with SB so far behind, I didn’t know if the Mad River area was getting the goods too. Only explanation for SB must be what Mvrexpert said; mountain ops concentrating on getting the new heavens gate spinning because I would be disappointed if I was a SB regular. .
  17. Upslope of yore for the greens…just daily refills. Another 4 since yesterday. What a start. .
  18. Might even be 10-14… Joking aside, the upslope machine has been for real the last week and I’m with you that a lot of people will be surprised how snowy the next 4 days are for the northern greens…then it looks like we avoid the huge melt and do the rain to snow net gain thing. We just ride it while it stays good. .
  19. Sugarbush has had a terrible start. I can't see why Stratton to the south and Killington to the north are working on close to 50 trails this weekend and they are struggling to get open 10. It's a great mountain, but it seems like they have been starting really slow the last couple years.
  20. You need to take a trip up to jay for a weekend. Even if you don’t ski, just to walk around in feet of snow and watch it snow for hours on end after what the last two nyc winters have been would be like Charlie sheen walking into a room full of coke and hookers for you. .
  21. Could you whip up some of your snowfall stats tmrw to see how we are doing compared to other years? I know the Mansfield stake is useful, but your stats are usually spot on to paint the picture. .
  22. Yeah, That guy that got fined cut an actual trail..it was pretty visible so I can’t say he wasn’t asking for it. .
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