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Everything posted by bwt3650

  1. Good to hear..did you guys get any help up top after the changeover? Maybe tnrw over delivers. It looks like a pretty vigorous wave.
  2. No, I agree. But to even be in that position in mid feb here has got to be rare. And even so, I would guess it’s snowmaking trails only this weekend. I saw what anything with pitch or natural was like before this storm so I can’t imagine any of those being open. There’s just no room to maneuver when someone stops right in the middle of a trail or is cutting across right now. It was a real uncomfortable feeling. You kind of have to own it going down and dig your turns, which makes stoping so much more difficult.
  3. This has to be close to an all time worst for Presidents’ Day weekend. 30 trails at Stowe in mid feb is unheard of…and people will pack them no matter what tomorrow. Really terrible stretch. I have to hope the rubber band will snap and March will rock.
  4. We’ve been snow for a couple hours. Maybe an inch out there. At least it’s white again.
  5. Yeah, I know. Just bustin. That fake shit combined with our fake rulers is what gets us to 350 every year except this year. You were spot on about the upslope missing this year.
  6. Man, I hope you’re right. That’s what’s been missing this year; those constant “fixer” upslope snows. Yesterday was the first time in a while, where I didn’t crave that one more run. I did 5 or 6 runs and then was like “why”. The mountains with less crowds are the place to be right now where the grooming holds up.
  7. The pack can probably handle it, but the timing is crap for the mountains. I was at Stowe today and the surface is “un-good”. Add in rain to flash freeze and president weekend crowds (I would think it brings out some less experienced people also) and pf and staff are going to have their hands full. What I noticed today was not that it was unskiable, but stopping or slowing is obviously much more difficult and with crowded slopes and people stopping in the middle of narrow sections, it’s a recipe for crashes. Def give credit to their ops though for trying to put together a surface with the garbage thaw/freeze.
  8. Took a ride to where the Olympians train today; Burke. First time there..cool mountain. It seemed like it was made for speed. The woods looked cool too, but after dipping in once, it was pretty bad conditions. Anything natural was also garbage, but the groomers were fast and fun and in great shape. Hit jay in the afternoon and the 2” up top really made a difference. Upper tramside glades were legit packed powder. What a difference from Burke. Really dreading this upcoming thaw/freeze. It’s gonna destroy the Vt mountains that relay on natural. Hoping for a more productive March and maybe a little help fixing it from the weekend clipper. Def want to hit Burke again with good snow.
  9. The average up here is in the 3s and the generous resort reporting has me at 162”. Been a terrible year for upslope and not looking like anything big through months end so barring an epic March, this will be WELL below normal up here. Never know with March, though.
  10. The kind of cold that burned once you got some speed. Still decent day, though.
  11. Jay was def hard pack, but not un-skiable. The glades above about 2800’ were actually pretty close to packed powder. Once below mid mountain though, different story and the few bumped up trails below mid mountain were like going over ice boulders. Pick your spots and stay up high and all and all, not bad.
  12. We should be able to report 15-20 out if that @PhineasC
  13. Lol..when the snow report has really been lacking, I head out to a snowmaking whale with a yard stick.
  14. NNE too? We seem to keep seeing these torch rain events out 7-10 days away that start trending colder as they get closer. Just get the feeling we get burnt by one eventually.
  15. Makes sense…that’s what that bread and butter look is I guess. Would be a great look up here. You do well with that too, right?
  16. Active gfs run…be nice if we could keep it all snow.
  17. Weird how it all landed in Randolph.
  18. the magic of tower 16…But I bet andre’s and north glade are waist deep.
  19. Great shots…I think I rode the tram with that guy last week. I remember the jacket and him explaining his videos.
  20. From cutter to 24 plus is how you turn a season around!! This was a nice save and over performer. Guaranteed it when I left weds night. Jay was reporting 19 mid day with more to come.
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