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Everything posted by bwt3650

  1. Jay already hinting at no upper mountain lifts Fri/Sat. Would love to see a wind chill reading on tower 16 of the freezer Saturday Morning. I would think anything where you can't get lift evac done in about 30 minutes would be closed in Northern Vt. Saturday.
  2. They’ve been crazy aggressive with terrain this year. Don’t know if it has to do with new ownership or just a bad snow year. I also saw they list jfk and wedelmsster as being blown in addition to ullrs. I’m assuming that is just the entrances and drop ins (they are notoriously sketchy) but that is something new this year. I’m interested to see where they go after ullrs with snowmaking. That is traditionally one of their last, besides the lower mountain greens on tramside. Years ago, they actually blew can am and Vermonter. I’ve heard from reliable sources they will be opening their checkbook big time in the summer and next season. .
  3. Yes..the snow is phenomenal. Really great conditions. The lift lines were horrendous (as expected on a Saturday following 5 weeks of snowfall). Hoping the weekdays are better. Plan on spending a day at either Kirkwood or squaw , so I’ll see how they compare. .
  4. Jay has been very aggressive with dropping ropes this year. More so than I’ve seen in the past few seasons. I’m attributing it to how bad a season it’s been so far. .
  5. Ski resorts make up some ground with this look next two weeks. Lots of chances to build up bases. .
  6. It looks solid for a bit and there seems to be some wiggle room too, so I’m optimistic. Plenty of upslope in there too that the global won’t give full credit to. Feb looks to start solid for the ski areas. .
  7. Northern greens make up some ground. Lots of underrated upslope in there too. Climo taking over a bit. .
  8. Weds refresh is much needed up here. Holiday traffic did its thing. Fast and firm and natural is shot. But I think the base is there now so we could start getting good soon. .
  9. Skipped early lifelines in favor of a walk with the dog. Trails held up later in the day. .
  10. Jay was classic east coast holiday skiing. Groomed, edgeable til 1030, then skied off. Not terrible tho. Fast, firm and pick your spots, but nothing great. Crowds were manageable. Lots of lifts helped and jay got up to 45 trails today. .
  11. Nam was too warm up here last night. Hrrr kept this snow longer and was pretty close. .
  12. Yeah, coming down pretty good. Looks like a nice burst early afternoon too. Maybe 4-6 on top?? As my son just said “best case scenario dad” Nice winter vibe. .
  13. Nam backs some snow in even up here Monday night..fraud?? Back to decent snow here again..starting to stack up. .
  14. Back over to snow..looks like 3am-10am was the rain; not bad. This will be a win for ski areas. Might grab 6 today. .
  15. Agreed..backside looking weak right now though. Need to put down 3-4 this afternoon or it will lock up bad, especially with holiday traffic. If we do that, it was the necessary, water logged, slush needed underneath. No one was getting up 242 last night without 4wd. At 1500, you could barely see the road and it was cement. .
  16. Spotlight watching with a beer and fire. Still good snow..for now. .
  17. Line was at about 1000’ on my way home an hour ago, so I’d guess only a few more hours. Great base building stuff. Hope it doesn’t all get washed away before the flip back. .
  18. Pounding snow right now..about 4 down…ratios prob 5:1 .
  19. We may disagree on some of this, but I do share your passion for the life up here and admire your honesty. None of us have an infinite number of winters to enjoy, so I'm not willing to piss one or two of them away rooting for crap conditions (though in reality, none of us have any control) Life is full of a-holes. They're not the people I'm skiing with or hanging at the bar afterward with so they don't bother me. The market will correct itself; it always does.
  20. 90 percent of NYC/NJ snow in 2021 fell in a 3 week stretch in Feb and that season was well above average. NYC/NJ climate is rarely a 2 month snow pack climate. Outside of the best years, you hope for a good 2-3 week stretch and Feb and March are by far the snowiest averages.
  21. very few I bet. Most of the snow haters either get off on the trolling high or the defense mechanism of not wanting to be disappointed. The ball busting and sarcasm though is priceless. That I do get and it's what makes this forum superior to all the other ones. That and the actual knowledge in here. But the whiny, it's never going to snow again stuff gets old.
  22. Completely agree. Trying to control things you can't will always lead to disappointment. And let's be honest, there's no one on here who would be pissed if their ratter winter got ruined by a two foot blizzard. It's an emotional response. You don't stumble onto a New England Weather forum because you hate snow; no matter what games some people play.
  23. Single digits still. Cold outperformed a bit for a change. Productive snow making weather. .
  24. Nam wouldn’t be terrible. Nice little thump, rain, dryslot and some decent backend. .
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