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Everything posted by bwt3650

  1. We usually stay away this weekend and rent our place, but someone cancelled about a month ago and we just said f it just go up. I’m glad the snow came because without it, shoving all those people onto 50 percent open, icy terrain would have been a nightmare. Jay can usually avoid the crazy lift lines you see on social media even on this weekend and stick with 10 minute lines, but when the wind kicks up later and the tram and flyer go on hold, it will get bad. To pfs point though, when you’re starving and there’s food on the table, I guess you gotta eat. .
  2. Do you really see an increase from locals? I figured the people that booked are there no matter what and locals stay the f away this weekend. 10-15 though after 10 days of icy hardback prob gets people itching. Should be pretty big gradient north to south w/ the winners north of sugarbush. Still think Monday/Tuesday will be the gems if we do well Sunday night. What’s your thoughts on Sunday? Looks like it may be loosing some punch and shut off sooner. .
  3. Dumping snow again. Well over a foot today. The snow machine just won’t quit off that flow into the northern spine. .
  4. Dumping snow right now…bit of an over performer so far. .
  5. Nam looks .5 to .75 by Monday; GFS .75 to 1. Maybe I'm more optimistic about surface conditions, but from what we've had, I think that would get the woods back in play. Skier traffic this weekend would be an issue thought too, so who knows how the trails wind up. Has that nice jay cloud look to it, but never bet against PF and Jspin.
  6. very reasonable...I think it will be a wintery feel throughout the holiday weekend with very few actual breaks in the snow at the mountain. Throw in another 3-6 Sunday into Monday, and President's day itself, when everyone is leaving might be a sneaky top ten day of the season. Midweek skiing next week should be great.
  7. I think some are overly condescending toward anyone who doesn’t have their same views, i.e. the guy yesterday who said the side of the debate that doesn’t share his views is worse. And I’m not necessarily talking about CC vs. no CC. It has now come to the level to which CC is affecting things. To some, even if you accept the data that shows the change, if you don’t have the same alarmist views on it or if you don’t think that despite the change, it can still snow, and NNE won’t have an Atlanta Georgia climate in ten years, you are a dumb ass denier. If you don’t believe that the warmest 3 day period in odd numbered years in which there was a republican president in bumble fuck Nebraska is a direct result of CC, you must have nothing more than a third grade education and three teeth. It’s the irrational stuff that causes people to get so fired up imo. .
  8. You are correct that I don’t see many resorts hitting normal this year. Jay averages 350, so even with that great start, punting 10-14 days in peak climo, in addition to that dumpster fire around the holidays is difficult to make up. You are incorrect that there has been nothing for months, and that last year was MUCH better. There was a phenomenal stretch in mid Jan, so I won’t say November was the best month either. And at Jay at least, the base is solid, so this weekends refresh of a foot or more is going to dramatically improve conditions. I also wouldn’t count out March at NNE resorts above 1500’. March can get good really fast up here. .
  9. I didn't want to mention anything after the upslope fail 2 weeks ago, but yes, should be a nice refresher so desperately needed right now...and it looks to stay snowy throughout the weekend with another refresh toward Monday. The 3-5 today is blown all over the place, but that, combined with 6-10 by Saturday and maybe another 3-6 late weekend and early next week would go a long way right now. This is the bread and butter set up over the next 7 days we need to get back into the game. I'd have to think losing about 10 days worth of accumulation in peak snow climo has put us significantly behind average now.
  10. Yes, he does an outstanding job. His measurements and knowledge of the micro climate of that mountain is second to none. Jay’s snow reporting is not as accurate as his. The frequent updates and mountain ops details are just as good though. .
  11. Stowe and Jay are the best reports out there. They both give actual details on the conditions rather than “it’s going to be a great day” and they update several times a day. I think the mountain ops details are important too. If you know the mountains, you can figure out what pods will open next and how the trails will ski based on the snowmaking. .
  12. Fantastic mid-winter blue bird day. Crisp, little wind and bright blue skies. Groomers are where it’s at right now. Naturals and glades are skiable, but def a “fun challenge”. Lots of base so they might be decent toward the weekend when it softens up, but we need a refresh. Great day to be out. .
  13. As a ski/snow nerd, this is awesome info. .
  14. Fog was thick on the top 1/3 at windham today, but the trails were perfect. Soft, well groomed and easily carvable. Really good for cruising. Back up north on Sunday, so we’ll see how the northern green compare. .
  15. It really has fizzled out..looked so good for about 6-8 runs or so, but I agree; it’s not going to get it done. .
  16. Gfs has been hammering days of upslope starting late week into next weekend for several runs now. Nice signal and position. .
  17. Anyone who has ever had a toddler can recognize the behavior. Negative attention is still attention. Everyone recognizes who knows their shit and who doesn’t. .
  18. The actual jay cloud…. bitter, but not crazy abnormal, mid jan day. Wind had a bite. .
  19. Crazy good conditions…but a power failure and winds took out all the upper mountain lifts today. Should have driven down. .
  20. Yeah, it’s winter here so no need to post about snow and cold in there and get people fired up. So many good posters, but a few people know how to bring the whole thing down. I don’t want to take the bait and turn into a d bag like it’s easy to do sometimes. Anyway, 1 degree, light snow all day and a 3 foot pack. Blustery, deep winter day. .
  21. It is beyond good out there right now. The last 18” or so is pure powder fluff and the woods are absolutely loaded with the light mid week traffic. Has to be some 3 foot stashes. Groomers are soft and carvable on top with a firm, groomed in hard layer underneath. Almost all trails have powder banks along the sides. The wind wasn’t overwhelming today either, so 4 degrees on the lower mountain was very manageable, almost comfortable. Def recommend being careful in the woods and back country as winding up in a hidden gully or well could be tricky right now. .
  22. Back to a winter pack in northern vermont… .
  23. Rockin the pf roof…it’s getting deep out there. .
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