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About monoptn

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    Clarksville, TN

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  1. I am not believing any of this until Stovepipe weighs in!
  2. That's about what I have seen here in Clarksville at my station and others around. The wind is whipping up too. https://www.wunderground.com/dashboard/pws/KTNCLARK145
  3. The ineptitude of the forecasters was on full display. We went from smack dab in the middle of the 8-12" range to getting an inch of sleet.
  4. Still all sleet in Clarksville despite what the radar says. When I was a child, we had snow when it was 36 degrees. Today it is 16 degrees at my house and we've had nothing but sleet.
  5. In Clarksville today my weather station recored a high since midnight of 25.2, and it has declined to 22.8 now at about 4pm. https://ambientweather.net/dashboard/6e898758833cf9e8aea47c118ea4850a/graphs
  6. We have got quarter sized flakes and 36 degrees in Montgomery County.
  7. We just had a little burst of flurries here in Clarksville, though my Ambient Weather station is reading 44.8.
  8. We got a nice little dusting in Clarksville. Maybe 1/4 inch.....better than we had the last 2 winters!
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