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PWC Split

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Posts posted by PWC Split

  1. Clouds seem a little bit thicker and it is noticeably darker.  This seems to be allowing the snow to stick a bit better to the roads and sidewalks now.  We saw some pretty moderate snow for about 90 minutes between 10:30 and noon but it did not stick to roads at all.  29F -SN with 7.3 inches in Haymarket @2pm.

  2. 1 hour ago, Wonderdog said:

    I'm probably five or so miles NW of you Bristow. Those five miles may be the difference between a white icy landscape and puddles and puddles of ice cold rain. lol

    I am 8 miles NW (Haymarket) of you Wonderdog, but unfortunately I don’t think it will make much of a difference this time.  We do love a good CAD event at the base of Bull Run “mtn” but climo is a B.

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