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PWC Split

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About PWC Split

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  • Location:
    Haymarket, VA

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  1. Another good burst of snow in Haymarket. Sun angle is killing us though…
  2. I mean if you are looking for a reason…an hour of this could make the drive a bit more interesting but doesn’t seem to be sticking to the roads very well right now.
  3. Maybe moderate snow? Flake size has picked up under this decent band.
  4. The bubble has burst in Haymarket, light snow falling at 1030.
  5. Couple of flurries making their way through the dry air to the ground in Haymarket. 19/5 at 10 am.
  6. 6 pm OBS - Starting to pile up now, just under an inch in the last hour. Moderate snow, not getting great flake size, but good rates.
  7. 5pm OBS - Snow has definitely cranked up. Grass is now 100% covered as are sidewalks and neighborhood roads. Pouring a cocktail in anticipation of a Jebwalk in a bit.
  8. 4pm obs - perfectly manicured 2 inch winter grass is about 75% covered, north facing sidewalk has caved, east facing sidewalks starting to cave. 30F with moderate snow in Haymarket.
  9. White rain becoming a little less rainy, moderately falling and covering the grass blades in a clumpy, spring snow sort of way. Still 31F at 3:10 in Haymarket.
  10. 31/19 at 2pm with white rain falling from the sky in Haymarket.
  11. One last push here? Back to moderate snow with big flakes.
  12. Pretty while it lasts but it looks like back edge is less than an hour away, unless we can get some sort of pivot - not sure that was forecasted though. At least we have added at least an inch on to the seasonal total!
  13. Grabbed a fresh bottle of Casamigos to have with a little sparkling water. Nothing too exciting, but a nice mood enhancer for the beautiful scene outside right now. Down to 32F and moderate bordering on SN+.
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