I mean if you are looking for a reason…an hour of this could make the drive a bit more interesting but doesn’t seem to be sticking to the roads very well right now.
5pm OBS - Snow has definitely cranked up. Grass is now 100% covered as are sidewalks and neighborhood roads. Pouring a cocktail in anticipation of a Jebwalk in a bit.
4pm obs - perfectly manicured 2 inch winter grass is about 75% covered, north facing sidewalk has caved, east facing sidewalks starting to cave. 30F with moderate snow in Haymarket.
White rain becoming a little less rainy, moderately falling and covering the grass blades in a clumpy, spring snow sort of way. Still 31F at 3:10 in Haymarket.
Pretty while it lasts but it looks like back edge is less than an hour away, unless we can get some sort of pivot - not sure that was forecasted though. At least we have added at least an inch on to the seasonal total!
Grabbed a fresh bottle of Casamigos to have with a little sparkling water. Nothing too exciting, but a nice mood enhancer for the beautiful scene outside right now. Down to 32F and moderate bordering on SN+.