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Everything posted by BBasile

  1. I'm located here. High clouds are rolling in, but they're pretty translucent.
  2. Made it to Vermont/Canada. Keep the clouds away, please. lol
  3. Yep. Was rocking back and forth in my chair while listening to a low rumble. Crazy thing is that I was just talking with a coworker yesterday about the 2011 quake and how we are overdue for one.
  4. Just had thunder so loud that car alarms were going off. The wind chill right now is 38F. That's a lot of CG strikes. Crazy.
  5. Hoping so since I'll be driving to damn near Canada to see 100%.
  6. Current conditions are same ol', same ol'. 47F. 0.46" thus far.
  7. Gonna end March with 8.29" of rain. 22.44" over the last 4 months. It seems April will just be an extended March.
  8. 3.53" today. 7.46" on the month. 21.61" over the last 4 months...more than 20 of those inches in just 3 of those months. Pretty crazy for the winter.
  9. Yeah, the roads are more like rivers. Tons of water everywhere.
  10. There are some tropical storm levels of rainfall today. Just hit 3.00 inches. 52F.
  11. Time-lapse of the passing snow squall yesterday. The drone struggled to maintain flight.
  12. 1.63" of rain over the last 24 hours. 3.25" for the month.
  13. Dumping snow now. Cars and grass already covered. 32F
  14. Changeover to snow has started here after 0.53" of rain. 32.9F
  15. High of 59.9F (really?) today. Currently foggy and 54.2F.
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