This storm doesn't have much other than some heavy rain. Surprisingly little CG lightning for a storm reaching 52,000 feet tall. Rain rates have been over 4 in/hr. Temp is down to 70F, dew down to 67.
Yesterday's high here was 97.2F, which is the highest temp I've recorded since 2018. The heat index peaked at 109. It's currently already 81.8F with a dew of 75. Gonna be nasty today. Hoping for some proper storms, though.
Even with the 200 miles of bumper to bumper traffic and the almost 10 hour drive home was still completely worth it. Totality and the diamond ring.
It all worked out. Definitely the best thing I've ever seen. Birds freaked. Crickets and mosquitoes came out. It got cold and much darker than I imagined. Can't wait to get these photos processed. Now, the 6.5 hour drive home. lol