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T. August

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Everything posted by T. August

  1. GFS better for DC, compared to 18z. Shitshow north of Bmore.
  2. Normally I’d agree with you but it’s been DOA every time.
  3. Good lord that band is taking its sweet mf’ing time getting up here.
  4. Watch psu+company pull 3” additional by the time it’s said and done. Mark my words.
  5. 3.7” at 11:35. Added a whopping .2” over the last hour. 31, w/ sun poking through.
  6. Moved out with my brother back in September, the view is pretty awesome in the snow.
  7. They look good dude. The last one is my favorite.
  8. You ain’t kidding. Additional 3-5” for the corridor.
  9. Added half and inch, 3.5”. Respectable. I wrote on a piece of paper “2.1”, which was my guess last night for the total. I’m glad I was wrong.
  10. @North Balti Zen how you doing in those greens
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