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T. August

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Everything posted by T. August

  1. All snow now in Darlington. Maybe a quarter-inch.
  2. Was 34 in my ‘hood when I left 50 minutes ago. Colder than I thought it would be, tbh.
  3. How much did you get this past storm? Like 11-12”?
  4. I think what some aren’t grasping is that unwarranted optimism can be just as irritating as unwarranted pessimism.
  5. 18z ICON drier and a bit SE. It’s like .1 wetter for 95 but in general more dry for NW areas. The area of the heaviest precip moved a bit SE. 18z Rgem throws some more precip more NW compared to 12z
  6. It’s better than usual. In the last 2 pages of the disco only 1 person posted a snow map. Now, it was a depth map, which is an even more egregious offense.
  7. All I’m saying is that when the temp wants to be 33-34, and we need a force to keep it away from that... we fail 9 out of 10 times.
  8. The nam is ok until you realize the sfc isn’t freezing until you go 50 miles nw of 95.
  9. People forget about SE HarCo too. They associate this county with Bel Air, Street, Norrisville, the big snow areas. The snow climo for Aberdeen, HdG and Edgewood is abysmal. Sunday was terrible compared to even over by you. Going with the least snowy model/forecast has always worked. like even the blizzard of ‘16. I measured around 20”. Bel Air?? 32”+. That’s 10 miles away.
  10. 12z GFS completely dropped the frigid temps in the MA. It does however have a big dog lurking at like 216-270.
  11. When are we pulling the plug? 18z?
  12. Going with 2-3” for SE Harford County through SE Baltimore County south to Annapolis. Maybe someone gets 3.5”-4” MBY: 2.8” BWI: 2.2”
  13. Listen, I know you are kidding, but...
  14. Are we looking at the same thing lol? It’s like .2-.3 before rain unless I’m looking at it wrong.
  15. I loved that Jan. one. Went to bed to rain and woke up to 6-7”. of SNOW... miss me with that, RR.
  16. I really want a 31-degree plastering. The kind where there is like a half-foot on tree branches, fence posts, and all other small diameter surfaces. thanks in advance
  17. The 18z GFS has a max over my house. I promise you that isn’t happening so you can move it as you see fit.
  18. Damn I was gone for literally 24 hours and we have a WSW. Any takers on how this is gonna fail for the Bay? I’m thinking a NW of 95 secondary max, consisting of someone with a crazy (yet real) total of 6-7”, with a jack over by @CAPE, leaving SE Harford through Baltimore down towards Annapolis with 2-3”.
  19. Damn there’s a 10.0 reported in Norrisville in NW HarCo. @mappy I guess you’d be the closest on the board... what did you get?
  20. Over 6” on the ground in Darlington. Storm total has to be close to 7-7.5 before compaction and melting. Edit: essentially anecdotal as I wasn’t here to measure accurately.
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