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T. August

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Everything posted by T. August

  1. I think some people have a warranted dissatisfaction with this winter. I’ve literally gotten like 5.5” total for the season. Each time being a bust on the low-end.
  2. @Baltimorewx @North Balti Zen we are getting screwed again what are your thoughts? I’m thinking 1-2” with all of the good precip SW of us.
  3. lol yeah it’s backwards I’ve never seen that. It’s supposed to be Bel Air South.
  4. Lmfao I forgot... your husband worked (works?) at Bethesda. I was like... I know that stuff! Edit: I also own that Dragonborn statue lol. Super cool.
  5. I don’t know if anyone is familiar with Rt 155 in Harford county... but the cutoff was dastardly. On my way home from Darlington, you could see it go from 4, to 3, to 2. 2” to 0” could be witnessed from a stationary viewpoint. I’ve never seen it so severe. 0” at home lmfao
  6. About 3.5” in Darlington. Depth up to 6-7”.
  7. Damn what is that, 2”? You legit might jack looking at the radar. 4” possible?
  8. 2.9”, but the rates aren’t there and it’s disappearing fast lol
  9. I hate to say it but the 00z 3k nailed it
  10. There’s 3” here where I’m at but I am so pissed that my house got like .5” lol.
  11. Damn I thought you had like an inch.
  12. I agree. I’m just poking fun at a few peeps lol.
  13. Careful. You can’t criticize them.
  14. Still mixing in Havre de Grace. Apparently maybe a half inch. Terrible lol
  15. For sure. It’s just even worse than I thought it would be in Havre de Grace lol. Anyway... it’s dumping massive flakes.
  16. I’m not angry at all. You’ve just always escalated things to essentially insulting someone’s knowledge when they say something non-scientific. It gets really old. I know what I said was anecdotal. I don’t need you to tell me that.
  17. You must be a blast at parties.
  18. Crazy that this is a NW event. Who saw that coming? It’s almost like... it always happens? And somehow I get sucked in to believing that it won’t be lol.
  19. Gotta be over 2”. My house in HdG maybe .25
  20. I know you’re right but that’s kinda dumb I always thought. It’s legit 1-2”/hr right now, but dead-calm, so vis is pretty good, so I can’t call it heavy snow ya know what I’m saying?
  21. Just got a pic from my neighborhood. Downright depressing.
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