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T. August

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Everything posted by T. August

  1. Maybe .5”? I didn’t measure yet.
  2. Looks like there’s dry air north of Bmore. The heavier returns sort of die on their way east.
  3. Light coating now. Still poor flakes.
  4. It’s just wet now I don’t know what happened
  5. Less graupel-y, more sandy flakes
  6. Radar really filling in out west a bit (between Cumberland and Hagerstown).
  7. Saying “enough with the banter” is like responding to an errant reply all to say “guys stop replying”.
  8. I remember you mentioning that now. It’s been a minute. Like a month?
  9. So I think the solar cells or whatever are done in my Davis. Is this something they fix or is it finished? I bought it 8 years ago.
  10. I can’t be the only one who picks up sticks before it snows. Please tell me I’m not.
  11. - - - . - °F according to my Davis
  12. that thing in the sky starts to poke through, melting our .09 inches
  13. 3k pretty far north with the 2nd round. Gets precip to Baltimore. Albeit light.
  14. I hear you but I’ve had bare ground since Feb 2 lol. A five minute drive yields 2”+ otg.
  15. Last year was terrible and the year before was fine. Not sure how that has anything to do with this year sucking as well.
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