You could do some smaller river jacks as a covering too. It’s a little more expensive obviously but you will essentially only pay for it once whereas mulch is every year (2 for dyed).
Precip shut off now. Last band that came through put down .6”. 1.7” measured just now, but it rained and sleeted earlier before I could get a good measurement.
They like riparian (woods + fresh water) environments. If there are sycamore trees, there will be orioles. We have 2 regular species, Northern Oriole, and Orchard Oriole. The latter can frequent marshes as well.
Went sledding with my siblings this evening lol. My sister is 20, I’m 23, and my brother is turning 31 and night sledding is still fun as hell. This inch of sleet has produced some of the best conditions for it.
Does anyone remember a mid-March 2019 event? I measured 6.5”. I can’t find anything on it. It’s what prompted me to get a spotter ID, because it was one of the few times in my life Aberdeen/Havre de Grace jacked, and I couldn’t report it lol.
Edit: Not the March 3 one