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T. August

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Everything posted by T. August

  1. Regional jackpot over my house? Does anyone have any objections? Can I have this one?
  2. 3k is wet too… .4-.5 for 95 corridor, only about .1 lost to rain. 2-4 DC to Philly, verbatim.
  3. No no no, you see, the eagle is facing the other way
  4. We’ve been royally screwed ever since that phrase came about. I believe in karma now.
  5. The only ss that I have an issue with other than the obvious, is the USMC Scout Snipers, as their occasional, unofficial logo/insignia is literally the f*cking runes.
  6. What about the Chevy SS, that thing should get a pass. It’s pretty cool, even though it was a massive failure.
  7. 2.7”? Biggest snowfall of the season for me. Hell yeah.
  8. A question for someone smarter than me - Is there any credibility with the “step in the right direction” in regards to models? It seems like there is a point when it’s wrong/right, and a trend is something just perceived by us, the viewers. Is a “trend” more of a result of the model’s resolution? As we draw nearer in time, does that margin of error grow smaller, and we can see what appears to be a model “catching on”? I guess my point is, why sometimes does it seem like there is a slow march to the proper depiction rather than a concrete shift displayed across all guidance?
  9. I guess the dca observer found the grass and stopped using the tarmac
  10. 1.0 Havre de Grace. Snow/sleet now. Deep down I wanted 2-3 but knew it wasn’t possible.
  11. .7” HdG kinda hoping for an inch but doesn’t look likely
  12. 29 in Havre de Grace with an east wind I think an inch max here.
  13. It’s still our storm man don’t be saying that stuff
  14. Man I know it’s the ggem, but damn it is UGLY.
  15. I feel like Baltimore-N/NE is kind of out on this one. Maybe 2-3”. I really just want a solid 4-6” snowfall, but looks like I have to wait.
  16. It was 16F in Darlington at 9:30PM. I feel like that is sort of impressive, with no snow.
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