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T. August

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Everything posted by T. August

  1. Literally the only thing that bothers me about the warmer months is the return of Dark Fishing Spiders. They are pretty much the largest (4-4.5” leg-span) native spider in the US besides the desert tarantula. My house is in the woods on the bay. It could not be more of a perfect habitat for them. They are the only kill-on-sight bug/arachnid in my mind. Even if they are outside on the property, it’s BB gun time. They WILL get in the house. We have dark wood trim around everything. That is their favorite shit. Such god-awful creatures.
  2. Wow….. honestly thought around 2” was a lock, and no guidance showed less than that and temps weren’t as bad as I thought. .6” in Havre de Grace. Grand total of 8”. This winter can screw right off.
  3. I was straining so hard to determine ptype on the windshield that I ran a red light. anyway it’s snow/sleet in Havre de Grace
  4. I only have 7.4” for the season… I don’t care if south of me gets the jackpot, but to have decent accumulations so close yet so far, it’s really frustrating. This winter thus far is not even CLOSE to last year, when 12.6” fell (still bad). I’d like to hit 10” from this storm, but I honestly don’t feel confident in that. oh well… /endrant
  5. Damn… can’t get one storm this season to have the heaviest precip axis from Winchester-Balt-Philly
  6. This event looks like the annual droopy pines ice session. Nothing spectacular. Guidance went from showing .4”+ for the northern tier to hardly .1 in the bullseye. I understand some people hate ice, but this really is essentially a non-event now.
  7. Sledding as an adult is SEVERELY underrated
  8. 1.3” measured in Havre de Grace at home. 19 degrees. About what I was expecting. Seasonal total now an embarrassing 7.4”.
  9. Just woke up, educated guess would be 1.5” in Darlington. It is beautiful though.
  10. Looks like .5 at home in Havre de Grace, although I am not there to confirm in-person.
  11. Man, the MA doesn’t even do weenies right anymore. The NE forum is putting us to shame.
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