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T. August

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Everything posted by T. August

  1. I anxiously await their 4-model blend every afternoon
  2. lol that always makes me cringe. I didn’t measure but I think the reason the map dips down like that in NEMD is because Philips Army Airfield at APG measured when they got back in the office the day after. Thankfully they don’t submit reports anymore.
  3. It’s pretty damn similar to 12z just drier
  4. Icon is pretty similar through 78 at the upper levels. Looks a hair slower
  5. Man at this point I would jettison any chance of snow imby under the sole condition that you rain. No offense of course.
  6. I have a bad feeling about this one
  7. I think the middle ground might leave a lot to be desired north of dc lol
  8. If you flick through 12z EPS/GEPS/GEFS, there is near-perfect agreement of a Tidewater jackpot.
  9. Congrats to those who got accumulations. It’s been snowing here for 45 minutes but it is 37° lol.
  10. Definite NW drift though, which is weird considering eps has been consistently SE of the OP.
  11. Maybe it’s just me but the icon showing that means more to me than if the GFS had the same result.
  12. Kuchera has got to be 20” for everyone
  13. @Ravens94 NEMD was pummeled man. Where are you
  14. We are now at the 5 consecutive run mark for the euro showing an area-wide MECS+.
  15. It’s not far behind the euro in terms of verification scores.
  16. Literally all of my snow is gone
  17. Like 4-5 18”+ hits in the EPS members. Also didn’t see it mentioned but the 12z GEPS wasn’t bad. 4-5” mean for 95-SE.
  18. I feel like if anything it’s a little better for 95-NW
  19. It’s on TT already. It’s like 2-3” for 95, more SE.
  20. 3.7” from this event brings it to 10.8” on the season. So far just a good bad year.
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