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Everything posted by hrtsdsn

  1. Light snow in Stanfield - northeast of Charlotte !!
  2. snowing and 28 degrees in Stanfield northeast of Charlotte. Not sticking yet..
  3. still hoping for north east of charlotte... !!
  4. seems Charlotte is warm nose central hope we catch a break!
  5. Hoping this keeps dropping south a bit more for the Charlotte area. Fingers crossed and enjoying the ride!
  6. i'll be happy just to see some snowflakes here just northeast of Charlotte. Fingers crossed!
  7. So many in NC have not had snow for years. If you grew up here, even just the possibility of it is exciting We are used to the let down it was fun tracking this. Thank you Brick! With that said, these new models flip flopping like they do this entire winter - I used to be able to logon here and watch y'all's banter and be able to give my family an early heads up. The way these new models act. I can't do that. I don't trust anything now until like you said within what the three day window. Are the models so precise and sensitive that this is the new normal or will the models use AI to improve over time? Or is weather just that unpredictable? Probably, and the models are just proving that point which makes meteorology more than just numbers but also combined with your experience. Not complaining, just an observation.
  8. Let's go!!! So that report above, the CLT area is just 2.5 inches am i reading that right??
  9. Y'all are a hoot this morning We are eternal optimists !!
  10. Hoping the totals will increase and include more in the Charlotte area I'm on a yucky line there. I just hope it will cover the grass. I know it's busy and appreciate all of your updates. This has been a fun week no matter how we end up!! Can someone give an idea as to when the precip starts? Thankfully it will stick immediately! Good luck to us all !!
  11. With all the snow discussions (and I'm hopeful for the Charlotte area) when does the bitter cold arrive and for how long do you estimate? As always, thank you all for your posts!!
  12. What is with this Tapatalk garbage? painful to use this site on iphone this year. Any suggestions?
  13. I’d call it a sleety snow drizzle here in Stanfield -but it’s sticking!!
  14. 39 in Stanfield. Remaining hopeful for anything we might get! Even a dusting is ok by me
  15. nice snow east of Charlotte. like icing on top You guys nailed the forecast on this one!!
  16. in Stanfield, east of CLT - seems to be predominantly sleet. no glaze at all on trees yet Maybe a dusting of snow to start but the accumulation seems all sleet. estimate 1.5 inches 23 degrees
  17. Surprisingly quiet in here! Where did everybody go?
  18. I can hear sleet mixed in with the rain in Stanfield...
  19. I’m hearing sleet mixed in with the rain here in Stanfield NC...
  20. snowed for 10 minutes in uptown Charlotte!
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