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Yukon Cornelius

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Everything posted by Yukon Cornelius

  1. Definitely. If this were paste, there would have been many outages.
  2. Only about 8" here in Barre, MA. Poor snow growth for a while at the beginning in addition to being caught in the edge of some of that subby stuff kept us on the lower end relative to those around us. The winds last night though! Glad we had no power issues.
  3. Snow growth has improved big time over the past 30 minutes. 25.4F
  4. Dusting this morning, but nothing since. Although the wind just started kicking up. 22.5/19
  5. Just give me something where I need to use the snowblower in north central MA for the first time since mid December. Thank you.
  6. Timing wise with regard to winding down, is it looking like Tuesday morning or is this an all day Tuesday deal (assuming no whiff)? TIA
  7. Agreed. Much better than I thought and nice to see for the first time in a while!
  8. Just about over for this round. 4”
  9. Brief lull about an hour ago, but has picked up nicely since then. 25.4F
  10. Yup, same here - if only this would continue for 12 hours at a clip vs 12 minutes.
  11. 58F. Just peaked outside - it’s ugly. Merry Christmas
  12. 40F. It was a nice decent stretch leading up to Xmas with solid pack in place. Was the lead up worth loosing it all on Xmas morning? Not sure - not much of a choice anyway, Grinch is gonna Grinch.
  13. Yup - I’m basically smack dab in the middle of that sucker.
  14. About 7.5” here in Barre, MA. Amazed at how well the models did with pointing out sub city here for days. Yup - they were right for here. Congrats to all that scored!
  15. 19/7 here in Barre, MA. Wind just started kicking up a bit after a calm cold day.
  16. 14F/3F currently. Dead calm with that snow look in the sky. Hoping to avoid that central MA snow hole that has been continually popping up.
  17. We just got ours back after about 14 out. Changed the oil and got the genny all put away and just hoping we don’t lose it again. My connection is outside at the opposite end of the house, so dragging that beast out of the garage last night at 1:00am through the frozen cement and dropping limbs is not the kind of fun I’m looking to repeat.
  18. Ya - it seems totals dropped off substantially west of the Quabbin.
  19. It’s a pita to try upload a picture on here, never mind a video.
  20. We lost ours for a couple hours early afternoon in Barre, MA, back now. Got the genny on standby though...
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