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Kevin W

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Everything posted by Kevin W

  1. On another note, I see J.Spin down there at the bottom of the table, where normally, he'd be right up there at the top. Is this another possible situation, or would that be all he actually got to date? (I have no idea, but that seems very low)
  2. This is a new one! I'm looking into it. Edit: All set. While adding new users yesterday, I somehow changed a permission on your account. I found a couple of others as well, so that was a good problem to find and fix.
  3. You won't see "Your Records" page if you are not logged in. Let me know if you can log in.
  4. You guys should be all set! I sent each of you a message with your password. Let me know if you run into any problems. Kevin
  5. Thanks for pointing that out. The note field now has "-" in there, as default, to avoid an empty field, allowing the entry to post. (just overwrite it if adding a note)
  6. Hi guys. I'm ahead of the upcoming season, as opposed to the last couple or so. Last week, I updated plugins, and other stuff, and got around to fixing a few things I found wrong. It should be ready to go for this season, but I hate wondering if there still any nagging issues I'm unaware of. If anybody sees anything strange, or inaccurate, etc., please let me know and I'll get right on it. https://wkevin.com/new_england_snow/
  7. All fixed guys. I had to re-up a license for a plugin for all the tables. Soon, I'll put some time in on anything I've missed over the last few months, and fix anything else. I do not get any notifications from this site, and I've got everything I could possibly set in my settings here, to at least get an email from here, but I don't get anything. I'll try to check in here more often. (some snow would help LOL) Happy New Year!
  8. Good to know! I need to update season pages to include last season. I'll do that when I run through the data to make sure there aren't any stray entries from this year into last year's data. (later today, or tomorrow)
  9. Guys, I think everything should be all set. Let me know if there are any issues, and I'll check back here later. (I don't get emails or notifications from here and I cannot find the reason why)
  10. Yes, I'm going to do it. It's a bit of a project for me now, every year, because there are a lot of steps to be taken to make sure it all works right, and I've been busy, but I like it myself, so I'll try to get to it within the next couple of days or so. Keep track of your totals for those who are already getting some. I also will update my settings here and see if I can get notifications to work again.
  11. All set. I'll check out that editing issue tomorrow and let you know if I find anything.
  12. Look at it now. (I'm glad you brought this up in this way.....I just fixed a sorting issue on that table that was bugging the hell out of me for a long time )
  13. Hi guys! We should be all set for another season.. I simply put initial 2022-23 entries in for everybody who was in last year, to get this season's table visible. 2022-23 New England Snow
  14. Not BAD! LOL We ended up with 23" (As reported locally)
  15. Sorry. I haven't been getting notifications for this site. I just sent you a PM, so you're all set. As far as entering events for members, as I have done in the past, I cannot commit to that as I'm focused on other things. At the end of the season, I have no problem entering season totals for members, which I'll do all at once. ( I can do this for any member who is NOT listed for PAST seasons as well) I will also enter all your events if you wish(again.....at the end of the season), but they would need to be neatly listed so that it would be foolproof for me to enter them all at once, without taking too much time. Happy New Year everyone.
  16. I just tried it and it worked for me. I have sent you a DM with your credentials.
  17. Hi guys. Everything should be all set for those of you who were in this last year. This year, I may not be updating totals/events for those who do not do it themselves. I'm just not sure how busy I'm going to be over the next few months. In this, and any cases where members were not on this table, and would like to be, for any season since 2010, let me know. I can add/update season totals anytime. If you are able to log in, simply go to Your Records, where you can add/edit/delete your own event records, for any season. If you need login credentials, (I register members manually so that I don't need anybody's email or anything) I'll need to know via PM. You can specify what you want for a password. On my to do list, is some site work I've had in mind for a while, like better storm records navigation/presentation, and other cool stuff that I'm able to do, but there's that time thing to deal with. Have a great season! New England Snow 2021-22
  18. Hi guys. Yes, I'm alive, just busy. Today, I did manage to get this season's table set up with initial entries for any member who was in this last year.(not live yet) I will finish up setting up for the season tomorrow morning, with a new thread, and how things may be a little different this year. See you in the morning.
  19. Also, I'll go through anything that was added here since my last update, later.
  20. I did that. You need to scroll up to see why. Next year, I will no longer be doing updates for others. I WILL enter final season results for people, but not events.
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